Family Constellations Galway
Anyone who struggles with illness, depression, anxiety, panic disorders, obsessive thoughts, fears, phobias, guilt, bi-polar disorder, persistent anger, lingering grief, meaninglessness, psychosomatic diseases, asthma, colitis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, IBS, reproductive health issues, failed relationships, financial difficulties, family violence, addictions, OCD, ADHD, ADD, PTSD, etc. could benefit from receiving a family constellation.
Brigitte Champetier lists the following as the most frequent problems treated with success by family constellations:
Anger for no reason
Business success, how to achieve it
Children: school issues, adaptation problems, aggressive behaviour, bullying, hyperactivity
Couple relationships
Death of a loved one
Failure (feeling one has failed, or actual failure)
Feeling attacked, or persecuted
Feeling guilty
Feeling guilty for no reason
Feeling sad for no reason
Feelings of not belonging, of exclusion
Financial problems
Finding a job
Inability to maintain a relationship
Intimacy block
Isolation, loneliness
Lack of energy
Lack of money
Low self-esteem
Murdering energy, desire to kill
Not feeling respected
Not finding one’s place in life
Prolonged bereavement grief
Professional realization
Rejection of the opposite sex
A bad relationship with someone (anyone); conflicts
Sexual problems
Traumas like incest or domestic violence
Uneasiness, suffering
Unhappy life
Wishing to die
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facebook.comThis, in my opinion, is a 'must' to listen to. It makes absolute sense to me on every level. It hits me in so many ways - the absolute relief of what, on some level, I've known throughout my life but, as a child, I couldn't express - and a deep sadness. The sadness, for me, is that, having been born in the '50s I now know that virtually the entire population was traumatized on some level - dissociated and relying on their minds to manipulate and control their environment. Back then we had no words or space to digest, assimilate and recover from our traumas - and most of us had no ground to stand on. How many of us are still going around posturing and striving - trying desperately to arrive somewhere indefinable - 'success', 'acclaim', 'worthiness'.... scrambling in the world of form and other to find illusive peace? How many of us can truly be 'naked' with self or other? How many of us can communicate from the transparency of the heart? If only we could see that we are virtually all traumatized to some degree and to lovingly deal with that without judgment or in a horrified sense of having something 'wrong' with us. Now our stresses are vastly different from our forefathers and more complex, but, if we are privileged enough to surrender into mindfulness and being, I believe we can now digest and release the trauma in our blood and genes. For me Family Constellations is a way to do this that is hugely heart-based and compassionate in its approach.
This, in my opinion, is a 'must' to listen to. It makes absolute sense to me on every level. It hits me in so many ways - the absolute relief of what, on some level, I've known throughout my life but, as a child, I couldn't express - and a deep sadness. The sadness, for me, is that, having been born in the '50s I now know that virtually the entire population was traumatized on some level - dissociated and relying on their minds to manipulate and control their environment. Back then we had no words or space to digest, assimilate and recover from our traumas - and most of us had no ground to stand on. How many of us are still going around posturing and striving - trying desperately to arrive somewhere indefinable - 'success', 'acclaim', 'worthiness'.... scrambling in the world of form and other to find illusive peace? How many of us can truly be 'naked' with self or other? How many of us can communicate from the transparency of the heart? If only we could see that we are virtually all traumatized to some degree and to lovingly deal with that without judgment or in a horrified sense of having something 'wrong' with us. Now our stresses are vastly different from our forefathers and more complex, but, if we are privileged enough to surrender into mindfulness and being, I believe we can now digest and release the trauma in our blood and genes. For me Family Constellations is a way to do this that is hugely heart-based and compassionate in its approach.
Are you worried about a so-called 'problem child', are you seeing generational patterns repeating themselves, ...? Family constellations can get right to the heart of the matter, unravelling the entanglements that stem from the blind love of a child - restoring harmony, healing and restoration of flow within the family system. This sacred work can show what is truly happening beneath the surface of any problem/dis-ease in any area of your life, work or play. Only one member of the family needs to attend. It reaches beneath the awareness of everyday reality to get to the source of blocks and problematic behaviour. All of us are entangled with our parents' and ancestral stuff. We run with their pain and aren't available to feel our own. Then, despite our best intentions to avoid passing on the pain - doing the opposite to what was done to us, etc. - we simply pass the disconnect to self on. When we hug and praise our kids, they sense our pain and run with that - avoiding their own and thus the pattern is repeated. It is said that one constellation is the equivalent of 10 years of therapy. Indeed that has been my experience. This work has saved my life. It is profound soul work, cuts to the chase, supporting us to hand back the pain and surrender to the love that underlies everything - despite all appearances to the contrary!! This work is very sacred and dear to my heart <3
Facilitated by Edel Moylan, BA, MSc Family Therapy Cost: €80 (non-refundable deposit of €20 to secure a place - post to Edel at "Rustic Haven", Clooniff, Moycullen, Co. Galway) Phone: 086 4068661 Email: Profound soul work which frees us up from unconscious entanglements that block our enjoyment of life, health, success and relationships. It is said that one constellation is the equivalent of 10 years of therapy. It cuts to the chase, supporting us to surrender to the love that underlies everything - despite all appearances to the contrary!! Not everyone gets to do a piece of work, but if you are open I believe everyone gets healing. I believe everyone who comes, whether as an observer, participant or constellated will receive new insights, perspective, understanding and healing from the day.Indeed I have got some of my deepest healings in other people's constellations. There will be a lotto on the day to choose who gets to constellate their issue.♥