Galway Umbrellas
We print customised umbrellas from our shop in Terryland Retail Park. Low prices, great quality and quick delivery We supply and print umbrellas of all shapes and sizes - same day or next day delivery available on some ranges
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facebook.comQuality Storm-Proof Vented Umbrellas - design and add your own logo — Products shown: Storm-Proof Vented Umbrellas.
Storm-Proof Umbrellas with vented panels. Ideal for advertising during storm season #ItAlwaysRainsInGalway
Storm Proof Vented Umbrellas and handbag umbrellas for Fahy Flooring and Beds #FullColourPrint #6ColoursToChooseFrom
Is that rain I see? How unusual for Galway.... Well, the guys at Fintrax Group won't be getting wet with their new storm-proof automatic, vented umbrellas #WeLoveRepeatCustomers #SingingInTheRain
New arrival of Storm-Proof pro Golf Umbrellas with matching cover and automatic opening clip - these deluxe umbrellas are available in 6 colours and can be fully branded with your logo on any of the panels. Message or call us for more information - MoQ of 6
Photos from Galway Umbrellas's post
"There's no such thing as bad weather - only bad clothing" - Technically, umbrellas aren't clothing but you get the idea. Here's some more lovely bright umbrellas we've made for Subway High Street #EatFresh #WhatsTheForecast #Advertise
Photos from Galway Umbrellas's post
Well, that's a funny sort of snow out there this morning - good for us though coz you're still gonna need your umbrella #ItAlwaysRainsInGalway #TheyAreSnowProofToo #KeepDry
Photos from Galway Umbrellas's post
Guess what? It's raining again - but the guys at Fintrax Group won't care coz they got their new windproof golf umbrellas delivered during the week. #KeepDry #ItRainsALot #ItsAllAboutBranding
Photos from Galway Umbrellas's post
Vented design storm-proof umbrellas with 130cm diameter, fibreglass shaft and ribs and auto open button. The 16 panel vented design is manufactured using the highest quality polypongee fabric and is presented in an individual protective matching sleeve. #KeepDryInStyle
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Rain promised tomorrow thank God - it's been a slow week #SunParasolAnyone?
Photos from Galway Umbrellas's post
What's one thing that's guaranteed in Galway? Rain - that's what!! - you'll be advertising your business every single day with our weather. Subway High Street know this - and have taken advantage. Check out the beautiful looking Subway umbrellas we did for them earlier #EatFresh #StayDry
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#ImGladTheresNoHolesInMyUmbrella The Problem: It's raining The Solution: Get an umbrella The Win Win: Advertise something while you're at it Everybody reads what's on an umbrella - it's a scientific fact #GoogleIt