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MindBody Hypnosis

Orantown Centre, Oranmore, Galway, Ireland
Alternative & Holistic Health Service



Hypnosis & Wellness  Clinic  located in Oranmore,  just 5 minutes off the motorway. Like us & check out the website Professional Consulting Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.


Nice little gift for anyone you may know that has problems with sleep!

Do you or someone you know have problems sleeping? Do you find it difficult to calm your mind before sleep? Do you awake with your mind racing? This download helps calm your mind resulting in a more relaxed sleep & a more positive outlook on life. Enjoy!

This is well worth a couple minutes of your time to listen to.....


Take a few minutes to listen, it is worth it......

Positive Energy+

Some thoughts to start the week....

Take a moment in your day to be still. Just feel your breathing, 2 or 3 deep breaths into your stomach, release slowly. If you feel under pressure or are stressed, you are not breathing deep enough. Take the time to be still and breathe. You deserve it!

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

Mindbody Hypnosis Galway Athlone Clare | Quit Smoking | Weight Management | Anxiety | Panic Attacks | Depression | Stress management

- Fed up paying even more for your smoking mortgage after the budget? - Pissed off being a victim for the smoking industry & government? - Do you feel you'd like to be out of the smoking trap? - Do you want to feel better, have more energy, smell better & live the quality of life you deserve? - Need some professional help to do it? See what others say that have done it at Individual & group sessions available.

Photos from MindBody Hypnosis's post

Well here's the post - Barcelona marathon, 14 weeks consistant cautious training, thanks to Matthew Bidwell, Fitness Analyitics Heart Rate training & brilliant Nutrition advice from my wonderful partner & excellent Sports Nutritionist Bridget Wing. Started training just after shoulder operation, with 10.30 minute miles for 3 miles at end November, todays finish at 3hr.46 averaged 8.30 min miles. Takes a lot of training patience! Thank you to everyone for your love & support, much appreciated. I'll take the top photo anyday & feel privaleged to be able, as Gerry Duffy says "I get to run"

Photos from MindBody Hypnosis's post

Can't say it enough...Many people think that a suicide attempt is a selfish move because the person just does not care about the people left behind. I can tell you that when a person gets to that point, they truly believe that their loved ones will be much better off with them gone.This is mental illness not selfishness. TRUTH: Depression is a terrible disease and seems relentless. A lot of us have been close to that edge, or dealt with family members in a crisis, and some have lost friends and loved ones. Let's look out for each other and stop sweeping mental illness under the rug. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my family and friends and the many people i have hopefully helped with my work, wherever you might be, to kindly copy and paste this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune, we are all human, we all have emotions & feelings. YES YOU TOO!!! You have to copy and paste this one, no sharing. You never know who it might help to pick up. To copy simply hold your finger on the text and the copy option will appear. Click on it. Then click on your status and paste will appear. Thank you.


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