Newly renovated, one stop shop for all your Outdoor requirements The Great Outdoors located on Eglinton Street in Galway City is your one stop shop for all your outdoor pursuits equipment needs. Since 1975 The Great Outdoors Galway has been advising customers of the equipment and training gear that they need for their outdoor activities.
The Great Outdoors houses everything from handy torches to 6 man tents. Carrying all top brands including The North Face, berghaus, Columbia, HellyHansen, Oakley, 1000 Mile Sportswear and Alder, The Great Outdoors is ready to help and advise you on what you need to ensure your comfort and safety when doing outdoor activities.
All of our staff have an interest in running, cycling,water sports, mountain climbing, camping and trail running and walking. Making our team one of the most knowledgeable in the country. Their love of the outdoors and their interest in the products that really work makes shopping at The Great Outdoors Galway an experience like no other.
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Opening Hours
- Monday
- 09:30 - 18:00
- Tuesday
- 09:30 - 18:00
- Wednesday
- 09:30 - 18:00
- Thursday
- 09:30 - 20:00
- Friday
- 09:30 - 20:00
- Saturday
- 09:30 - 18:00
- Sunday
- 12:00 - 18:00
RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS dryrobe was designed by Gideon Bright - a UK based surfer with over 30 years experience in the water. The first dryrobe was based on an idea Gideon’s mum had when he was a teenager. Surfing all year round, Gideon found that getting changed outside in the cold winter was not fun! Handy with a sewing machine, she decided to create something to make getting changed outdoors more comfortable. This change robe was like a huge cape with waterproof material on the outside, a towel lining and a hood. After initially being quite dismissive of it, the cape soon became an essential piece of kit whenever Gideon and his friends went surfing. Gideon always had the old waterproof and windproof ‘robe’ idea in the back of his mind but didn’t really think to develop it. It took one freezing cold winters day years later, stood in a car park, in the rain with a soggy towel robe on, for him to decide to make something better. Initially setting himself up in his garden shed and after working on several designs and experimenting with different materials, Gideon developed a front zipping change robe, that combined both a warm, advanced towel lining with a waterproof and windproof protective outer layer. The first ever ‘dryrobe’ was sold online in December 2010. The dryrobe has received high praise since its launch and has become a very familiar sight on both beaches and on the back of elite athletes from all over the world. It has now become an essential companion not just for surfers but for swimmers, triathletes, obstacle course racers and virtually all outdoor sports have embraced the benefits of staying warm while changing outdoors, after events or just hanging about outdoors. #dryrobeterritory #dryrobe #changerobe #staywarm #staydry #callofthewildgalway
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Meet the NEW Cloudrock Waterproof hiking boot from On! The first On hiking boot is terrain proof, element proof and excuse proof. Lightweight and built for traction, pace and protection, you'll be ready to conquer mountains no matter the conditions. Featuring: - Missiongrip™ rubber adds traction while lugs bite into soft trails. - Durable membrane is wind- and waterproof. - Swiss-engineered FlexLock system means laces can be tied traditionally or with a single pull. - A 360° mudguard protects and the Speedboard™ provides propulsion and stability. Born in the Swiss Alps, this boot is up to 35% lighter than competitors, it's engineered for performance stride after mountain-top stride. Hiking is about to be rocked. Call instore to check out this new boot! #onrunning #cloudrock #waterproof #runonclouds #speedhiking #noexcuses #callofthewildgalway
7 Of The Most Spectacular Surfing Spots In Ireland
#MondayMotivation The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting a little rougher BUT Its still Surf Season! Here is a great list of Surf Spots around Ireland from #SurfSpotsIreland #SurfingIreland #SurfIreland #SurfWest #CalloftheWildGalway
Discover Ireland
Call of The Wild Galway's cover photo
Call of the Wild Galway - inspired by your adventures! Located on Eglinton Street, Galway city: Online Shop: Phone: 091 562869 #WildGalway #CalloftheWildGalway
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#TrailSundays presents The Galway Wind Way Trails. The Galway Wind Way has six recreational trails at Galway Wind Park. The windpark is located approximately 6km south west of Oughterard, Co Galway The 6 routes along 48km are designed to be family friendly and suitable for all. This wild yet remote place is rich in local stories from those farmers and foresters that settled there long ago. Connemara View Loop: An uphill walk where one can look across at the spectacular view of Lough Corrib, Lough Mask, Connemara and along the Galway coast. Split Rock Trail: This is a short trail with a slight gradient but an even surface throughout. This trail is suitable for people with restricted mobility, for individuals in wheelchairs and buggies. Turbine Trail: This trail brings you up close to five wind turbines where at Turbine 15 one can see the beautiful Uggool valley. The return trail connects onto the Seecon Lough Path. Seecon Lough Path: This walk follows the tracks and old trails of the forest to and from Seecon Lough. There is a beautiful downhill walk between Turbine 18 and the lake. From the lake you join the main trail where at Turbine 24 you can look across to the Aran Islands. Peak Ridge Path: This trail travels around the hill and links up all of the trails on one side of the forest. Along the way you can have a view of the local lakes of Galway Bay, the Burren and Aran Islands. Forest Cycleway: This trail is spacious with a winding section surrounded by eucalyptus trees. It is advised to pay attention to the marker posts along the trail as there are some alternative, unmarked routes in the area. Info - Connemara & Aran Islands - Cósta Gaelach Chonamara & Árainn Photos & Map - Coillte #TrailRunning #HillRunning #MountainRunning #Oughterard #Galway #CalloftheWildGalway Irish Outdoors - Trail Running Ireland | Shannon Trail Runners | Burren Trail Running | Galway Running News & Events Community | Galway Tourism | Discover Oughterard | Oughterard Tourism |
Ripped or Torn Wetsuit? Patagonia's Worn Wear tour is currently in Ireland. Get your wetsuit repaired at these locations. All brands are welcome, as long as the suits are DRY. They will be fixing clothing too. First come, first served, limit of one item per person. And as always, all repairs are free! 31/08/2019 - Tullan Strand Beach, Bundoran, Co. Donegal 01/09/2019 - Tullan Strand Surfer's Beach, Bundoran, Co. Donegal 03/09/2019 - The Green Room Surf School and Shop , Lahinch, Co. Clare 04/09/2019 - Moy hill community farm, Lahinch, Co. Clare 05/09/2019 - Moy Hill Farm, Lahinch, Co. Clare About Worn Wear: One of the most responsible things we can do as a company is to make high-quality stuff that lasts for years and can be repaired, so you don’t have to buy more of it. The Worn Wear program celebrates the stories we wear, keeps your gear in action longer and provides an easy way to recycle Patagonia garments when they’re beyond repair. #WornWear #Patagonia #Bundoran #Donegal #Lahinch #Clare #WildAtlanticWay #CalloftheWildGalway Discover Bundoran | Visit Donegal | Donegal Page | Lahinch Tourism | Doolin Tourism | Doolin - Visit Doolin | Visit Lahinch | Tonnta Surf Magazine | Irish Surfers Against Pollution | Irish Surfing | Wild Atlantic Way
Happy Festival Friday!! Enjoy the Electric Picnic if you are going!! Stay safe, enjoy the music and camping. #FridayFeeling #HappyFriday #FestivalFriday #ElectricPicnic #EP19 #FestivalCamping #CalloftheWildGalway
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Stay Dry, Get Comfortable, Enjoy the Picnic! Electric Picnic this weekend is looking like a mixed bag of weather!! If you are looking for last minute accessories for camping, staying dry and warm, pop instore and ask a member of staff for help! Here is a photo checklist of items to make your festival experience that little but more electric! #EP19 #ElectricPicnic #FestivalCamping #CalloftheWildGalway
Photos from Call of The Wild Galway's post
#WalkWednesday Maumeen to Maumahoge This is a strenuous grade 12.7km looped mountain walk that is also known as the "Middle Maumturks". It includes the highest peak in the Maumturks, Binn idir an Dá Log (Peak between Two Hollows" The walk starts off gently before the climbing and navigation get tough, and it ends with a steep descent via a corrie lake into a beautiful valley. This mountain terrain is among the wildest you will see in the West of Ireland. The terrain includes rocky mountain tops, steep open hillside, wet bog, sheep track and paved road. Strong mountain boots with ankle support are necessary for the terrain of wild rocky mountains, open hillside, bog, and minor surfaced roads. The distance is about 12km with 1,050m of climbing so a very high level of fitness is required along with raingear, warm clothes, food and water. It will take somewhere between five and ten hours to complete, depending on the pace of the group. Words & Photos - Paul Phelan (Walk Connemara) - "Connemara & Mayo - A walking guide" book #Maumeen #Maumahoge #Maumturks #Hiking #WeekendWalks #Connemara #Galway #CalloftheWildGalway | | Healthy Ireland | Get Ireland Active | Galway Tourism |
Rip Curl Wetsuit History | Call of the Wild
#BrandFacts #BrandHistory of Rip Curl In March of 1969 two surfing friends Doug "Claw" Warbrick and Brian "Sing Ding" Singer bumped into each other in Gilbert Street, Torquay, Australia. Claw had just finished a summer shaping stint with Fred Pyke and Brian was a science teacher. As the conversation progressed, and no doubt thinking about how they could stay surfing, Claw posed the question that started something great… "Do you want to start making surfboards together?" he asked. Brian immediately figured this would mean a lot more time surfing, so on the spot said, “Yes!” and resigned from teaching a couple of days later. The timing was perfect and just like that... Rip Curl was born… The name "Rip Curl" was taken from a vee-bottom surfboard that co-founder Warbrick bought in 1968, upon which he'd written "Rip Curl Hot Dog." The words didn't mean anything, he later admitted. "Except ripping was groovy; surfing the curl was groovy; we wanted to be groovy – so that was it." — Matt Warshaw, Encyclopedia of Surfing In December 1969 another local surfer, Alan Green, joined the duo and they started making wetsuits to complement the boards in the basement of a house in Beale Street behind the Torquay Pub. Greeny had spent some time at a wetsuit dive company "Australian Divers" and they found a sewing machine, a "Pffaf 138 zig zag", which worked on thick rubber sourced in Clayton in the back-blocks of Melbourne. Greeny left Rip Curl in April 1970 to do his own thing, forming Quiksilver, with Claw and Brian as equal partners in the new venture. Check out our full range of Rip Curl products: #RipCurl #Flashbomb #Omega #EBomb #madeforwaves #WildAtlanticWay #surfireland #surfgalway #callofthewildgalway
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Looking for some #MondayMotivation then look no further than Derek Cullen Outdoors for inspiration! Derek is more than 1,000km into a walk around Ireland. In the beginning, he was supposed to start in Dublin and finish at the Great Blasket Islands in County Kerry. He is going to keep going and see where he ends up. On of our Call of The Wild Galway staff members bumped into Derek as he was taking a break from his travels in Fitzpatricks Bar, Doolin Follow and support Derek's journey & be inspired by his continued exploration of this beautiful little island #DerekCullenOutdoors #Doolin #Clare #WildAtlanticWay #Ireland Hotel Doolin Ireland | Visit the Burren | Doolin | Doolin Tourist Information | Doolin Tourism | Wild Atlantic Way | The Clare People | The Clare Echo | Tourism Ireland | Derek's sponsors Elk Recruitment | BDifferent | Hiiker |