Welcome to John's kairos practice - a gentle, non-invasive therapy that releases emotional and physical pain. Kairos is a gentle, non-invasive and relaxing therapy. It works by identifying the emotional roots of pain and discomfort held in the body. This can be related to a traumatic experience, stress and anxiety, eating disorders, irritable bowel syndrome or low self-esteem, to name a few.
A session involves a short conversation with John followed by an hour of lying down on a comfortable Kairos table. Your therapist John will place his hands gently on your fully clothed body, alternating positions every few minutes. Kairos works by channeling the energy flow between John's hands to gently release blockages in the body's biofield - the energy field surrounding and embedded in the human body.
During the session you may experience deep rest, physical symptoms such as tingling or warmth, or emotional feelings. You may see images or colours, recall memories, or solve a problem that has been on your mind.
After the session, John will help you to make sense of the experience, though personal revelations are not necessary and John will not seek to author your experience. Every Kairos session is unique and belongs to the client.
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