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Le Petit Pois

Victoria Place, The Archway, Galway, Ireland
French Restaurant



Welcome to Le Petit Pois, Michele & Philippe's new French restaurant in Galway! Discover gorgeous traditional French food expertly matched with great wines We offer a full restaurant service, delicate and authentic French cuisine with attractive set menus including full meal and wine pairing from 38 to 56 euros.

You can also just have platters, starters or desserts in our heated and sheltered wine garden with glasses of wine or a coffee.

The restaurant is open for dinner time only from 6pm to 10pm Tuesday to Friday and from 5pm to 11pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Welcome at Le Petit Pois!


Well !!! So the winner of our draw for a voucher for 2 Discovery Menus at Le Petit Pois is no less than the famous Sara O'Kane , marvelous singer of the Lewd Tunes, which we go and see singing every time we can, to have some crazy dancing on Sunday nights after the service! And to add to this incredible stroke of luck, we just discovered on their facebook page that the LewdTunes were also celebrating their two years, so guys we were born just a few days ahead of you! We wish you all continuous success and we can't wait for another occasion to "shut up and dance with you"! Well as soon as Michèle's foot will be repaired.... We guess this draw was just meant to be! Happy birthday, thank you to you, followers, who have been playing, commenting and bringing us incredible nice words of support! See you soon and have a nice summer!

Two years old! Win a Voucher and Celebrate with us! If we go on like this we will soon have to call us Le Grand Pois or Le Vieux Pois! So many things have been achieved in two years, from building Le Petit Pois itself, making it work from nothing, creating a crowd of happy and smiling customers, some of whom have by now become friends, winning awards, entering Georgina Campbell and Michelin guide, launching movie nights, Bar Talk wine tasting sessions and most of all : having a lot of fun, passion and excitement with a dream team supporting us. We want this two year anniversary to be the one of all the incredible people who have been surrounding us and we have created a little album of shared moments. Some might not be part of this album but it by no way means that they have been forgotten, we love you all, this has been a dream of 2 years by now. As you can see by the pictures, more than a job, it is a family adventure and the family is growing! And finally I want to dedicate these two years of joy to my lovely crazy Chef-wife dedicating so much of her energy to make Le Petit Pois a success, working together has been magical since day one and is still a daily happyness! You can celebrate with us and win a Voucher for 2 Discovery menus by Liking, Sharing the Album and of course Commenting with the name of the one you want to bring to Le Petit Pois to celebrate! Philippe

July Menu is out! ------- Irish version - special Summer day: Summertime, and the cookin' is easy Cods are jumpin' and the chicken is fried Oh, your beef's Irish and your veg is good-lookin' So hush, little pea, why don't you try ? One of these evenings you're gonna rise up eating And you'll stop havin' chicken wings and you'll give up the fries But till that evening, there ain't nothin' can charm you Better than our menu of July ------ French version - special Bastille day: Ah ! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira, Galway en ce jour sans cesse répète, Ah ! on ira, on ira, on ira, Malgré le crachin tous au Petit Pois. Nos estomacs confus en restent baba Et nous allons chanter « Alléluia ! » Ah ! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira, Quand sur le chemin du Petit Pois Je chanterai en pensant au Foie Gras En chantant ma chansonnette Avec plaisir on dira : Ah ! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira ! Petits comme grands sont foodies dans l’âme, Ils tenteront la Tomate-Mozza Ou le saumon et sa sauce lime Car une entrée est bien plus qu'un en-cas Oui les Irlandais pointeront du doigt Dans la carte des desserts un espuma A la pomme de terre, keskecékeça ? Mais les plus gourmands penseront tout bas Le Fondant toujours vaincra ! Ah ! on ira, on ira, on ira ! A pied, en taxi avec une lanterne, Ah ! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira ! Au Petit Pois, tous on mangera!

Galway Food Tours

Nothing planned yet for next Thursday? Come and discover the atmosphere of the East Village with the wonderful Sheena Dignam! Great food, great wine and warm welcome for this tour of the East side of Galway. Don't miss it!

Galway Food Tours

Photos from Le Petit Pois's post

Monday, sunny day, a good time for celebrations! Big change in our Petit Pois : our dear Rémi is heading for new adventures after nearly one year and a half of crazy service, around 50000 steps climbed, 212124 calories burnt, and a ton of laugh and good humour. We will miss you a lot and we want to thank you for everything you brought to Le Petit Pois! But, but, who is coming here : another guy from the South! Pascal - our new family member - will welcome you with a singing and sunny accent. He'll be waiting for you! See you soon! Le Petit Pois' tribe

Photos from Le Petit Pois's post

Photos from Le Petit Pois's post

June Menu is out! And June is our granddaughter's name. She made a complete mess of our menu you know. She burnt the leek and mixed some mango, crab, seaweed in it. She let the watercress cream out of fire and it became all chilled, nearly icy. She planted a gingerbread cracker in our Foie Gras. She found vegeterians funny so she offered them new double words like : tomato and beef ? Beef tomato. Leaf and baby? Baby leaves. Pepper and bells ? Bell pepper. Now that's a game! She ate a jam thinking it was delicious raspberry. It was delicious black olive instead. Gave it to the fish. She sang some Pink song to the Pork. Did a Mash Dub of it. With tarragon. (try it, it is not that easy) She painted with her fingers a whole plate : green avocado, cocoa brown, black berry, strawberry red, pomegranate purple. Called herself Picasso. She piled up sheets : one of caramel, one of vanilla cream, one of caramel, one of vanilla cream, one of caramel, one of vanilla cream, one of... had to stop her before it went to the roof. Found her with a bottle of Amaretto in one hand (she loved the shape did she say) and a chocolate fondant in the other (it was already melting before she took it and put her hand everywhere did she say). We had to do something about it. Gave her a kiss on the cheek and printed it out.

Photos from Le Petit Pois's post

Photos from Le Petit Pois's post

June Menu is out! And June is our granddaughter's name. She made a complete mess of our menu you know. She burnt the leek and mixed some mango, crab, seaweed in it. She let the watercress cream out of fire and it became all chilled, nearly icy. She planted a gingerbread cracker in our Foie Gras. She found vegeterians funny so she offered them new double words like : tomato and beef ? Beef tomato. Leaf and baby? Baby leaves. Pepper and bells ? Bell pepper. Now that's a game! She ate a jam thinking it was delicious raspberry. It was delicious black olive instead. Gave it to the fish. She sang some Pink song to the Pork. Did a Mash Dub of it. With tarragon. (try it, it is not that easy) She painted with her fingers a whole plate : green avocado, cocoa brown, black berry, strawberry red, pomegranate purple. Called herself Picasso. She piled up sheets : one of caramel, one of vanilla cream, one of caramel, one of vanilla cream, one of caramel, one of vanilla cream, one of... had to stop her before it went to the roof. Found her with a bottle of Amaretto in one hand (she loved the shape did she say) and a chocolate fondant in the other (it was already melting before she took it and put her hand everywhere did she say). We had to do something about it. Gave her a kiss on the cheek and printed it out.

Photos from Le Petit Pois's post

Galway Food Tours

Thank you Sheena Dignam again for yet another fabulous Food Tour. Always a pleasure to host you all!

Galway Food Tours

Timeline Photos

Well, summer is now in full swing and we are ending our screening season... to be back in September of course! Thank you all for attending our movie nights all year long, that was great fun and a great atmosphere each time, each screening had its own, and each of them is a unique memory! Haute Cuisine, Amélie, Le dîner de cons, Les tontons flingueurs, La Haine, On connait la chanson, La môme, Intouchables, La Grande Vadrouille. A beautiful year! We are also having a break on our Wednesday Bar Talk and Terroir Tuesday during the summer, everything is starting again in September. See you soon in the restaurant! Le Petit Pois' family

Timeline Photos

Photos from Le Petit Pois's post

So happy to be the hidden Gem and Secret place of Helen - Acuglow Acupuncture Clinic and Sheena - Galway Food Tour in today's Totally Galway magasine! Thank you ladies, thank you Totally Galway for a great aesthetic and choice of topics and we will see you soon around a glass of wine! Michèle, Philippe and all the team

Photos from Le Petit Pois's post

Timeline Photos

And the winner of our "Grande Vadrouille" screening is......... Ivy Lloyd! Congratulations for winning a ticket for two for our Grande Vadrouille night : movie, cheese and wine! Remember to call us to book your seats in advance if you are interested as we cannot guarantee available seats if you just call in that night! Movie starts at 7:30pm and will be followed by a meal altogether made of a large platter of cheese and cured meat and a galss of wine! 10€ for the screening only, 30€ with the platter&wine included! See you there on Monday! Le Petit Pois' team 091330880

Timeline Photos

La Grande Vadrouille - Movie night

A classic! This comedy from the sixties features two of the most iconic French actors in a pursuit race in Occupied France. A nice opportunity to see Paris and the beautiful Burgundy. Don't miss this unique screening in Ireland of a typical French blockbuster. 10€ for the movie or 30€ for the movie+platter&wine! See you there!

La Grande Vadrouille - Movie night


NEAR Le Petit Pois


Galway, Ireland
Landmark & Historical Place