Introductory astronomy nights and observing for NUI Galway students, supported by the NUI Galway/NUI Galway Students’ Union EXPLORE Innovation Initiative. Student Astronomy Nights, in association with NUI Galway Explore, NUI Galway Centre for Astronomy and the NUIG Astronomy Society.
There is currently no avenue for students to visit the NUI Galway campus observatory, with many students being unaware that the University even has an observatory. The existing astronomy open nights for NUI Galway staff and for the public have proved to be a massive success, with all evenings being booked out well in advance. This project aims to make the campus observatory available to students also. Student Astronomy Nights to be run fortnightly will consist of an ‘Introduction to Astronomy’ Talk and a 3D tour of the universe, followed by a trip to the Imbusch Observatory to learn about astronomical imaging, and gain hands-on experience taking images of beautiful astronomical objects like those often seen in popular science articles.
Participation is entirely free and is subject to availability!
To book a place on one of the nights please send us a message!
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