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Portumna Golf Club

Ennis Road, Portumna, Galway, Ireland
Recreation & Fitness




Results of Gents 18 hole Open competition on Sat 18th & Sun19th March 2017: 1st: Stephen Dillon (17) 44 pts 2nd: Damien Gibbons (17) 42 pts Gross: James P McLaughlin (0) 38 pts 3rd: John Cleary (5) 39 pts

Spring League 2017 RESULTS Winners: Team C 188 points Carmel Cunningham, Judith Barry, Bernie Kilmartin, Ann S Carty, Cora Wallace. 2nd Team A 187 points Anne Fahy, Brigid Broderick, Rachel Madden, Mary Smith, Sheila Noone. 3rd Team D 184 points Kathleen Lynch, Catherine Fahy, Pauline McEvoy, Niamh Holohan, Siofra Ward O’Meara Best individual score – Sinead Lohan 71 pts Best individual senior – Catherine Fahy 58 pts

Results of Gents 15 hole voucher competition on 11th & 12th March Category 0-10: Eamon Dervan (6) 35 pts Category 11-14: Mattie Kenny (13) 37 pts Category 15-18: Stephen Dillon (17) 37 pts Category 19+: Ian Dervan (19) 32 pts (b9) Seniors: Martin Kennedy (12) 36 pts

Results of Ladies Spring League after week 3 Team A: 180 pts Team B: 179 pts Team C: 187 pts Team D: 181 pts Team E: 165 pts Team F: 169 pts Team G: 177 pts Results of Ladies 9 hole Re-entry 6th - 12th March 1st: Rachel Madden (22) 21 pts 2nd: Pauline McEvoy (21) 20 pts (b3) 3rd: Bernie Kilmartin (22) 20 pts

Results of Ladies Spring League after week 2 Team A: 120 pts Team B: 114 pts Team C: 128 pts Team D: 120 pts Team E: 112 pts Team F: 115 pts Team G: 125 pts Results of Ladies 9 hole re-entry 20 February to 5 March 2017 1st: Bernie Kilmartin (22) 20 pts (b6) 2nd: Kathleen Lynch (14) 20 pts (b3) 3rd: Catherine Fahy (28) 20 pts

Results of Gents 15 hole competition on 4th and 5th March 2017. Cat 0-10: Mike Flanagan (36 – 1) = 35 pts. Cat 11-14: Tom Maloney (34 – 1) = 33 pts. Cat 15-18: Philip Madden 31 pts. Cat 19+: Paddy Kelly 32 pts. Cat: Seniors: Gene McEntee (28 - 2) = 26 pts. Next weekend 15 hole voucher play Saturday or Sunday.

Results of Gents 15 hole Voucher Competition on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th February: Cat 0 – 10: Michael Kennedy (10) 34 pts (35-1) [b6] Cat 11 – 14: Padraic Cahalan (13) 37 pts (38-1) [b6] Cat 15-18: Joe Forde (15) 37 pts Cat 19+: Paul Casey (20) 36 pts (37-1) Seniors: Patrick Quigley (12) 36 pts

Results of Ladies Spring League after week 1 Team A: 57 pts; Team B: 59 pts; Team C: 64 pts Team D: 57 pts; Team E: 52 pts; Team F: 61 pts Team G: 68 pts Results of Ladies 9 hole re-entry February 2017 1st: Bernie Kilmartin (22) 22 pts 2nd: Anne Fahy (14) 21 pts (b6) 3rd: Mary Madden (21) 21 pts

Timeline Photos

Portumna Golf Club host a Table Quiz in the clubhouse on Friday 24th February. Everybody welcome.

Timeline Photos

Results of Captain’s & President Drive-In (Pat Healy, Carmel McLaughlin and Paddy Kelly) on Sunday 29th Jan 2017: 1st: Ger Lynch (6), Pat Mulvihill (14), Brian Mooney (15) 36.5; 2nd: John Cleary (5), Carmel Cunningham (15), Alan Page (19) 39.1; 3rd: Leo Kelly (10), Sinead Lohan (14), Philip Madden (18) 39.8.

Timeline Photos

Best wishes to Pat, Carmel and Paddy and congratulations on your Drive-In today. Photo shows Captain Pat Healy, Lady Captain Carmel McLaughlin and Club President Paddy Kelly at their Drive-In competition on Sunday 29th January.

Timeline Photos

Results of ladies 9 hole re-entry 16th to 29th January 2017 1st: Carmel Cunningham (15) 22 pts 2nd: Mary Madden (21) 20 pts (b9) 3rd: Mary Smith (35) 20 pts


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