CASSG is the Galway branch of Chartered Accountants Students Society Ireland.
Proudly supported by Morgan McKinley. Chairperson: James Peyton
Vice Chairperson: Sarah O Dwyer
Treasurer: Diarmuid Mulvey
Secretary: Cathriona Walsh
Public Relations Officer: Conor Ronan
Education Officer: Anne Carter
The committee can be contacted at
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CASSG presented the cheque for our quiz held in March to the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust this week. €1,040 raised and we hope to continue to raise more with upcoming events. Thanks to all who attended the quiz or donated!! 😁
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Good luck to everyone starting their CAP1s tomorrow!! No bother to any of you 😁
Chartered Accountants Student Society Galway - CASSG's cover photo
FAE Interim Exam 2017 Survey
Please take a couple of minutes to complete this guys! We need your feedback on Saturday's exams to go back to the Institute
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Good luck to all the FAE students sitting the elective assessment tomorrow! Treat yourself for all the hard work by signing up to our mystery tour on May 5th! Only €15 per person including transport, nightclub entry, some drinks and some surprises! Email to secure your place!
Hi All, A Careers Event "Working Smarting for your career" will take place on Monday 3rd April with Karin Lanigan in the Connacht Hotel from 6 to 7.30pm. To book a place please email Veronica Byrne (Veronica.Byrne@chartered before Friday 24 March. Topics to be covered: - How Chartered Accountants Ireland can support your career. - Learn how to identify and focus on what it is that you really want from your career. - Understand the importance of a career plan and learn how to develop yours. - Recognise the significance of your transferable skills. - Hear about how to best position yourself for promotion and achieve career success and fulfilment. - Appreciate the benefits of strategic career management and planning.
Chartered Accountants Student Society Dublin (CASSD)
Best of Luck to all FAE students getting results tomorrow!
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The CASSG quiz kicks off Thursday at 7pm in Buskers Brownes! Thanks very much to our sponsors that contributed so generously by giving us prizes and donations!
We have our annual CASSG Table Quiz coming up Thursday 9th of March 2017 in Busker Brownes. We will be fundraising for our chosen charity for the year, The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust with all proceeds from our raffle and collection buckets going straight to them. Please feel free to invite any friends to our Facebook event or share with anyone you know in the Accounting Industry in Galway. We have lots of amazing sponsored prizes for the raffle on the night including a signed Galway Hurling Jersey, gym membership, afternoon tea, a boat trip, lunches, coffees as well as lots of vouchers and gift cards for local businesses! Time to start prepping with your trivia knowledge :D
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It's been a great year for CASSG, we have had some brilliant events throughout the year and more importantly managed to raise €2,025 for Pieta House, Preventing Suicide and Self Harm throughout the year. Thank you to all the committee that put in all their time this year and best of luck to the new committee elected today with the forthcoming year. Stayed tuned for updates in the new year but for now merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone! CASSG ✌🏻️
AAFRP Exam Survey
For everyone that just sat the AAFRP we would greatly appreciate your feedback on the exam. We will take all your comments and bring them to the examinations committee next week.
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