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Bee Loved

Dooras, Kinvara, Galway, Ireland



bee loved skincare products Bee loved natural creams are a pleasure to use, promoting healthy skin and soothing itchy, dry-skin conditions. The rich creamy texture and delicate aromas of beekind products are made from 100% natural ingredients - beeswax from our own hives in Kinvara, organic herbs, carrier and essential oils. Rich in pollen and propolis, beeswax has natural antibiotic properties, proven to help skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and acne.  Ideal for sensitive and mature skin, Bee loved creams preserve natural moisture leaving a radiant, healthy complexion.
Bee loved products include Body Cream, Face Cream, Gardeners Hand Cream, Foot cream, Lip Balm and Body Oil.  



NEAR Bee Loved

Cross Street

Galway, Ireland
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Galway County Council

Galway, Ireland
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