DG Digital Media Management & Communications
Expert advice for companies to expand their profiles through digital or mainstream/traditional media. Too busy to handle your social media presence, or to tap into this burgeoning market? Traditional advertising can be very expensive, and often prohibitive for small to medium sized businesses. There are ways around it - through promotion of your business on social media sites, and through mainstream media (newspapers/radio) - at minimal cost to you.
I can devise a strategy with your particular budget in mind. We will sit down together and decide how best to proceed, and what areas of the business to promote.
As well as the digital media side, I also attend/ organise launches, take and caption pictures, write press releases, write news features.
Check out the profile of a client, Eoin O'Donnellan & UBFit Sports International, on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter, as an example of my work.
087 6888227
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facebook.comConnacht Tribune - Galway City Tribune
Something very wrong in our psychiatric care system...
48 of Prince Philip's greatest gaffes and funny moments
"It's a pleasant change to be in a country that isn't ruled by its people." (to Alfredo Stroessner, the Paraguayan dictator).
Londoner given a single banana as gluten-free meal on nine-hour flight
What a PR disaster... airlines need to 'pull up their socks'!
O'Donnellan & Joyce Auctioneers
Washington Post
Neighbouring business owners object to drinks licence for hotel - Connacht Tribune
It's important to get on with the neighbours!!'
How to Get Your Profile Picture to Look Like Melania Trump’s Official Portrait
Must follow these guidelines for my next profile picture... "7. Cross your arms and smize — smize as hard as you can, to forget that you’re going to have to do this for the next four to eight years..."
Connacht Tribune - Galway City Tribune
Price to pay for gambling is not simply financial debt - Connacht Tribune
Gambling is a terrifying epidemic in this country, as it is so silent and deadly.
Galway does not feature at all...