Remnant Basket
Remnant Basket is a curtain, fabric and craft shop.We are a second generation family business open 50 years.Our sister shop is Home Affair, dundalk.
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facebook.comWe Are Open ! Fed up at home ? Cabin Fever setting in !Come in . Heating on ,Plenty to buy for house projects to do while your off work . Roads all clear around town !
Due to snow storm today we've d decided to close The Remnant Basket and Home Affair We will reopen tomorrow at some stage in the day . Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Stay safe everyone and see you tomorrow!
Fashion show at stitch s Birmingham Mc calls patterns , vlieseline
Hi everybody we're at stitches trade show in Birmingham today !buying loads of new and exciting fabrics for spring , summer 2018! Helen and Ursula
Large feathers # cake#Paris Hilton birthday cake!
Snuggle up in this cuddle fleece!its so cold 😬
New habby just in for spring 2018!
Some new sparkle trims just in !
Happy Valentine's Day ❤️❤️
Don't be like these two! Get away from the television and go shopping!
PVC all now reduced!