DARBY'S Bar , Restaurant & cafe is the new restaurant at Weston Airport. A family friendly restaurant with plenty of space, good menu, great value.
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Its a fabulous day for coffee in Darbys. Join us for a great lunch.
Photos from Darby's post
Lots of great pictures taken this weekend from the fantastic view that can be found in #darbysweston
Dublin Weston Airport
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Darbys has lots to keep the whole family busy .
Its a lively day at Darbys, supporting the Special Flying Day Dublin Weston Airport
Weston's Special Day of Flying
The team at Darbys are delighted to sponsor and support this event. A great day . A great group of organisers.
Photos from Darby's post
If your having a special occassion its got to be with us :) Dublin Weston Airport
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Now thats a birthday cake
Oh... the view and atmosphere is wonderful in Darbys Day Dublin Weston Airport . What a day.
Photos from Darby's post
Its Midweek. You deserve a treat. Come on in to Darbys for a fab lunch in a relaxing atmosphere !
Darby's cover photo
Special.packages available for all parties booked
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Its Fathers Day at Darbys. We have a great lunch menu and a wonderful view. We are also taking bookings. Make sure to call by. @nfcops @westonairport