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Brendan Swan - Personal Trainer

Malahide, coast road, Dublin, Ireland
Professional services



I'm a Personal training, Bodybuilding & strength and conditioning coach.

I have been involved in sport's all my life from Junior Athletics, Martial Arts to Bodybuilding. This is where his interest in fitness,health and nutrition began.
I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, where i won previous titles including International and all Ireland championships, I also taught martial arts to children & Adults in Scoil an Tseachtar Laoch in Ballymun and  local health clubs.
I am always striving to learn more in nutrition and learning from coaches from all over the world and firmly believe in helping my clients to achieve their goals in the healthiest way, long term, rather than quick fix solutions that don't work.

National Training Centre: Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer
PICP Poliquin: Level 1 & 2
Upper & Lower body structural balancing.

Nutritional Coach.

StrongMan Coach,

Team training and nutrition with Coach Phil Richards.

"Brendan Swan has been the driving force behind me changing my life"
I have been dieting since i was 11 and have always been big boned! Over the years I have spent thousands on gym memberships, wraps, pills, colonics and most embarrassingly liposuction on 5 different area's! Still big bones and unhappy after all that i was not overly confident on my first trip to The Edge. I thought i would go in and get mortified buy some magic beans and leave big boned and unhappy. Instead i met Brendan Swan! He has been the driving force behind me changing my life. He has taught me how to eat and sleep, and also taught me that no one is perfect and it's ok to have bad days as long as you follow them with a good one! With Brendan you don't just become physically stronger you become Mentally stronger!! I am not there yet but I know I will be soon and it's thanks to Brendan!

"When i started with Brendan I was 117Kg and with the help of Brendan, i got down to 95Kg and still going down! I couldnt have done this without the help of Brendan Swan he gave me a special Diet plan which i stuck to like a bible!
I did personal training with Brendan before going to Australia with the (winning!) Irish Aussie Rules team this year. My fitness levels were already good but while working with Brendan they went to a new level.. body fat went down to 7% without losing weight and energy levels remained good. Brendan's knowledge and experience of all aspects of training meant he could give excellent pointers to add to a working routine to see much improved results faster. I'll be booking another session with Brendan when I decide on my next goal!
I started with training Brendan Swan two months ago looking to lose some weight and tone up. I have done both under the encouragement and professional help from Brendan Swan it works!! It has been hard work both in the training and in the diet plan but it has been worth it!



Tapered Bodies

Great exercise!!!

Just had a cancellation for tomorrow if anyone wants it?

Media Survivor

Ha!! Me during cheat meal 😂

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Get Everything You Want in 2017 Here’s to a Happy New Year and to getting everything that you want out of 2017! Today you have a clean slate with a brand new year spread out in front of you, filled with endless possibilities!! How will you harness your potential to create the very best you? I recommend using the teachings of Dr. Maxwell Maltz in his legendary book ‘The New Psycho-Cybernetics’. Dr. Maltz created the original science of self improvement and success, so who better to turn to when you’re ready to take your life to another level. His teachings have stood the test of time. Take the following and get all that you want out of 2017: 1. Use Your Imagination If you thought that imaginations were only valued in your earlier school days, think again. One of the key points in ‘The New Psycho-Cybernetics’ is the technique of using your imagination to reprogram and manage your self image. You may have been exposed to self improvement strategies that tell you to ‘act as if’ or to ‘fake it till you make it.’ Those typically don’t work because your self image is still the same. According to Dr. Maltz, your self image is the key to changing your actions and habits. If you want to lose 50 pounds, you first have to think of yourself as someone 50 pounds lighter. Spend time in your imagination. See yourself 50 pounds lighter. Experience a day in your life at this slimmed down size. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail. According to Dr. Maltz, this imagination time will begin to change your self image to that of a person 50 pounds lighter, and your actions and habits will fall into place. 2. Reject Negative Thoughts Negative thoughts will undoubtedly arise as you use your imagination to see your ideal self. “I’m not really going to lose 50 pounds.” “I’ve tried losing weight before and it never works. I’m always going to be overweight.” “This imagination stuff is bogus. It won’t work for me.” He also says that the instant you receive a negative thought simply dismiss it. Don’t spend any time on it at all. The quicker that you dismiss negative thoughts, the less impact they will have on your self image. Also you’ll find that fewer and fewer negative thoughts arise once you get into the habit of dismissal. 3. Be Nostalgic For The Future It’s so easy to be nostalgic for the past, especially when you only remember the good stuff. But what good does it do for you to wish for things that are long gone? Dr. Maltz recommends developing nostalgia for the future. In your imagination you’ve already lost the 50 pounds, so start pining for the future! Your self image will lock onto that picture and your nostalgic feelings will fuel the fire. 4. I’m The Kind Of Person That… What kind of person are you? I’m the kind of person that loves sweets. I’m the kind of person that hates exercise. I’m the kind of person that can’t lose weight. OR I’m the kind of person that eats fresh and healthy food. I’m the kind of person that keeps fit. I’m the kind of person that maintains an ideal body weight. Your self image will fulfill any label that you put on yourself. The power is all in your hands. What kind of a person do you want to be in 2017? If losing weight is something you’d like to do this year, then call or email to set up a Free consultation. I’m the kind of person who LOVES to see clients like YOU achieve their goals! Yours in health & Fitness Brendan

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Shredded Academy

Warning I'd you don't want this to happen to you! Pm or text me for a free personal training consultation!! It could save your life!!


Adore seeing this!!

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Hey guys Pre 🎁🎄 Christmas 🎄🎁 discounts! 6 sessions for €200 saving €100 12 sessions for €400 saving € 200

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Open for motivation... Don’t skim over this email…because I’m writing just to you today. I understand the frustrations that you have when it comes to you body. I know all about your insecurities over the size of your thighs and how hopeless that can feel. And today I’m here to motivate you to take action. The answer to your body frustrations is to get you up off the couch and into the gym, day after day. So here’s my pep talk in bullet form—21 rewards that you will gain from regular exercise. Do yourself a favor and print this list and post it where you’ll see it every day. When you need motivation or encouragement, simply read over this list and take action. Remember that action alleviates anxiety. So whenever you’re feeling anxious over the current shape of your body, take that as a reminder to jump into action. And then begin to reap these 21 rewards of exercise: 1. You’ll reset your body: Exercise has been described as a giant reset button. A good workout will block appetite swings, improve your mood and even help you sleep. 2. Your clothes will fit better: Consistent exercise will tone and tighten your body, causing your clothes to not only fit better but to also look nicer. Also exercise ensures that soon you’ll be trading your clothes in for smaller sizes. 3. You’ll be less stressed: You have enough stress in your life—it’s time for a break. A good workout invigorates your muscles, leaving you relaxed and less stressed. 4. You’ll have more energy: WebMD tallied research studies and concluded that 90% of them prove exercise increases energy levels in sedentary patients. Next time you feel fatigued, fight it will the most powerful tool available: exercise. 5. You’ll be stronger: Exercise improves muscle strength and endurance, two things that you use throughout each day. When you exercise consistently you’ll be pleasantly surprised when difficult tasks begin to seem easy. 6. You’ll be less likely to binge: Exercise has a powerful anti-binge effect on the body. This is due in part by an increase in sensitivity to leptin, a protein hormone, which has an appetite-taming effect. 7. You’ll burn calories: You know that excess body fat is made up of stored and unused calories. Fight back by burning loads of calories with fat-blasting workouts. You’ll be more confident: Who doesn’t wish they walked and talked with more confidence? A consistent exercise program will do just that. As your body becomes more fit, watch as your confidence sky-rockets. 8. You’ll have fun: Believe it or not, exercise can be extremely enjoyable. Remember how fun it was to run around as a child? Tap into your inner child as you find a mode of exercise that gets you excited. 9. You’ll reduce your blood pressure: Exercise has been proven more effective than medication in reducing blood pressure to normal levels. A single workout has been shown to reduce blood pressure for the day and regular exercise reduces overall blood pressure in the long run. 10. You’ll lose the jiggles: Regular exercise tightens flabby arms, legs and waistlines. So wave goodbye to the jiggles with a solid exercise program. 11. You’ll increase insulin sensitivity: Researchers at Laval University in Quebec discovered that exercise improved insulin sensitivity dramatically. Peak after-meal insulin levels dropped by more than 20 percent after as little as 3 weeks of consistent exercise. 12. You’ll sleep better: Do you toss and turn for hours before falling asleep? Exercise is a powerful sleep aid. Your tired muscles encourage your body to quickly fall asleep so they can get their overnight repair work done. 13. You’ll lower your risk of heart disease: Regular exercise strengthens your heart and makes it more resilient against disease. A sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for heart disease, so rest assured that consistent exercise is your ally against disease. 14. You’ll feel great: Vigorous exercise releases natural endorphins (happy hormones) into your blood stream that dissolve pain and anxiety. You’ve probably heard of ‘runner’s high’, this can be achieved by any great workout. 15. You’ll lower your risk of diabetes: Studies show that exercising as little as half an hour each day can dramatically reduce your risk of diabetes. If you are at risk of diabetes, or already have diabetes, regular exercise is the most effective treatment for reversing the disease. 16. You’ll meet cool people: You could benefit from a group of new, energetic friends, right? Gyms, bootcamps, workout centers and even the jogging trail are all great places to connect with fun new friends. 17. You’ll improve your BMI: You know that maintaining a healthy BMI is key in disease prevention. Exercise is the best way to keep your BMI under control. 18. You’ll increase your endurance: Do you ever get out of breath when walking up stairs or through the mall? Regular exercise builds your endurance for everyday activities. 19. Your doctor will be impressed: How many times has your doctor given you the lecture about losing weight and exercising more? Exercise regularly and get your MD off your back! 20. You’ll look amazing: Are you happy with the shape and size of your body? Regular exercise works wonders on your physique. Within a few weeks you’ll see shape and tone in all the right places. Are you ready to alleviate your anxiety by taking action? Good! Simply pick up the phone, or reply to this email, and let me know that you’re ready to get started. I’ll create a personalized fitness plan that’s just right for you and together we will get you into the best shape of your life. Let’s do this!

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Here's granny with a nice gluten free cake for you all 😘 | The Ultimate Lifting Experience

Great transformation!!! Fair play


Me during my cheat meal!!


NEAR Brendan Swan - Personal Trainer