Worldwide first paintball backpack loader We wanted to create an unlimited paintball gaming experience. Our engineering team developed a leading technology to achieve this goal. Many hours of German engineering went into the development of the Maxxloader. Years of technical work and months of testing led to this revolutionary product that matches new technology with the needs of the paintball community. The result is the worldwide first backpack loader with a tremendous capacity. A smart technology enables unlimited paintball gameplay with more then 2,000 shots capacity and no reloading requirements during a game.
Worldwide first paintball backpack loader with:
2,000+ balls capacity
20+ BPS
100,000+ balls battery power
We wish you loads of fun!
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Team MaxXloader wants to say THANK YOU for this fantastic year! It has been a great journey so far and we are excited about the upcoming New Year! Join our 24H YEAR END SPECIAL and order your MaxXloader for the fantastic price of just USD/EUR 499.00 incl. FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING! Order here: Or send an email to: (must be sent on December 31st). Happy New Year and all the best for 2017 wishes Team MaxXloader
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Grant yourself and your loved ones the best xmas gift this year. Get the MaxXloader on shop now!
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Christmas time is here. Don`t wait for Santa Claus and grant yourself the best gift this year. Get the MaxXloaderâ„¢ 2000 for you, your team or anyone else you want to see winning! Order now. With our free international priority shipping, your MaxXloader will be home on time. Anywhere in the world. Our Shop: Team MaxXloader wishes loads of fun and merry christmas!
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Team MaxXloader wishes you relaxed 3rd Advent.
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Awesome development from Kai Gromm, Germany. Looks like the perfect MaxXloader extension to us! What do you think, guys?
Photos from Maxxloader's post
Thank you Christopher Noury for sharing these pics from last weeks Wayne's World Grand Finale!
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Winner of the first week of MaxXloader advent calendar pics is Archangel Mikel with the most likes. Rusty, this is your personal winners cup :))) Congrats! We are missing input for more advent pics and vids. Please send them to Thank you!
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The 3. December advent calendar #paintball pic is here. Tim Castine in charge of the situation! Rock`n Roll! Thanks for submitting Tim.
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The 2. December advent calendar pic is here. The one and only Archangel Mikel in #paintball action. Now it`s up to you Rusty :) Thanks for submitting!
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Our first advent calendar pic, submitted by Dom Sumner showing Tony aka Overkill with his MaxXloader. Thank you Dom! Lets see how many likes you collect within the next 24h. :) Please send more calendar input, we currently are covered for a few days only. Dig out your cool pics and vids from the last 12 months send them to us. or here on Facebook to Frank Maxx Thank you.
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Get ready for The Finale: Return of Krampus on December 9. - 11. in Ludowici, GA and order your MaxXloader now. Experience ultimate #paintball field domination and lead your team to victory!