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The Irish Planning Institute

Floor 3, The Courtyard, 25 Great Strand Street, Dublin, Ireland
Non-profit organization



The Irish Planning Institute is the independent professional body representing professional planners engaged in physical, spatial and environmental planning in Ireland. The Council, which is the governing body of the Institute, is directly elected by the membership by postal ballot or via the Annual General Meeting and has a membership of 17 persons. 11 members of the Council are Corporate members or Fellows elected nationally, while 7 are Corporate members or Fellows directly elected from among the members of the regional and sectoral branches. The Graduate members of the Institute are represented on Council by one Graduate member elected directly by all of the Graduate members, and there are three Student members, elected by the student members in the three recognised planning schools. Each Council member serves a term of 2 years and half are up for election in May of each year. A new President and Council takes up office each June and the programme of events for the year runs from June to May.



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