See Change is Ireland's new national partnership to reduce stigma and challenge discrimination associated with mental health problems Follow us on Twitter:@SeeChangeSorcha
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It was wonderful to be a part of Clondalkin Talks. The silence around mental health stops people seeking help and makes the experience of being unwell much harder. It doesn't have to be this way.
Green Ribbon
Green Ribbon Order Form 2017
t's that time of year again! Green Ribbon month kicks off on May 1st. Are you thinking about getting your community talking about mental health for Green Ribbon month? This year, half a million ribbons are available free of charge. We are now accepting orders of 50 or more -individual ribbons will be available from major Irish Rail stations and all Boots stores throughout May. Order your ribbons here: The ask of people is simply to wear the green ribbon and support a movement to spark a national conversation about mental health in Ireland’s boardrooms, break-rooms, chat rooms, clubhouses, arts venues and around kitchen tables.
Town Hall Theatre presents special Green Ribbon Screening of Meetings with Ivor | News and Events
Town Hall Theatre presents special Green Ribbon Screening of Meetings with Ivor
Timeline Photos
MindYourSelfie - Walk In My Shoes
Take part in @walkinmyshoes Tweetathon #MindYourSelfie this Friday March 31st. Visit here for resources & tips
Workplace | SeeChange | The National Mental Health Stigma Reduction Partnership
See Change has identified the workplace as a key setting for social change around attitudes to mental health
Timeline Photos
#ThrowbackThursday to our Ambassador Laura Louise talking about Green Ribbon on TV3 with Elaine Crowley last year. Order your Green Ribbons now!
Green Ribbon
Want to help us start a national conversation about #mentalhealth? Find out how today! #stigma
Timeline Photos
See Change's Green Ribbon month kicks off on May 1st. Are you thinking about getting your community talking about mental health for Green Ribbon month?
Shine - Supporting People Affected by Mental Ill Health
See Change’s Green Ribbon Campaign 2017 | SeeChange | The National Mental Health Stigma Reduction Partnership
See Change's Green Ribbon month kicks off May 1st. Are you ready to start your conversation about #mentalhealth?