Marie Lefranc, French osteopath Dublin
Osteopath for adult, child, infant and pregnancy, and athlete. About your osteopath:
I studied osteopathy at IPEO school (now EO Paris), this school is an university certified by the french health minister. During five years, I learnt a lot of osteopathic practices and I did different internships :
2012-2013 - Sport osteopath for ACBB table tennis teams in Boulogne-Billancourt (10 months)
2013 - Osteopath at the conservatory of music and dance J. Wiener in Bobigny (3 months)
2012-2014 - Clinic osteopath at the geriatric center and at the osteopathic clinic in Pantin (3 years)
2014 - Osteopath for the company Gemalto in Meudon (6 months)
After my graduation, I created and opened my own surgery in a health center in Paris (13e arrondissement) during more than one year. After that, I decided to move in Dublin in January 2016.
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Why to consult an osteopath for my baby ? The birth process can be one of the most stressful events in our lives. Babies are subjected to enormous force to pass through their mum’s pelvis. Your baby’s head is designed to adapt to this force. This normal physiological process is called ‘moulding’. During the first few days of life your baby will undergo the normal physiological process of ‘unmoulding’, releasing any strain absorbed during labour and re-establishing health and balance. Often the unmoulding process is incomplete, especially if the birth was difficult, such as a long labour, a very short labour or when it involves intervention such as ventouse or forceps. As both the head and body are compressed and squeezed during this journey, any part of the baby’s head and body can absorb stress and retain strain. This may mean that your baby is experiencing discomfort in their head or body. How the osteopath can help your baby ? Osteopaths work with various of techniques. It is a completely natural therapy, which identify and treats mobility restrictions. By working on the integral structure of the body, and looking at how bones, muscles and connective tissues work together, osteopathy will restore the body of your baby to a balance. In which siutuations osteopathy can help your baby? Feeding problems Reflux/regurgitation, Colic, Constipation / Diarrhea Torticolis Plagiocephaly / Flattened head Varus foot, in toeing, pigeon toes Abnormal rotation of the hip Difficulty for sitting position Otitis, Check up after birth : difficult delivery, emergency caesarean, baby in breach Agitation, sleeping disorder ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pourquoi consulter un ostéopathe pour mon bébé ? La naissance peut être l'un des événements le plus stressant de notre vie. Durant l'accouchement, les bébés sont effectivement soumis à d'importantes contraintes lors du passage au travers du pelvis de leur mère. Cependant, la tête de votre bébé va s'adapter lors de ce processus qui est tout à fait normal. Sachez que pendant les premiers jours de vie, le crâne de votre bébé va alors retrouver sa position physiologique. Néanmoins, ce retour à la normal est souvent incomplet, surtout quand l'accouchement a été très long ou très court et lors d'utilisation de forceps ou ventouses. Qui plus est, pendant l'accouchement, le corps de votre bébé est également comprimé et soumis aux mêmes contraintes qui peuvent être retenues par ce dernier. Ainsi, cela induira un inconfort chez votre bébé au niveau de la tête ou du corps. Comment un ostéopathe peut-il aider mon bébé ? L'ostéopathe travaille avec différentes techniques naturelles pour identifier et traiter les restrictions de mobilités. En travaillant sur l'ensemble de la structure du corps, l'ostéopathe restore son bon fonctionnement. Quand y amener mon bébé ? Difficulté d'alimentation Reflux / Régurgitation Colique Constipation / diarrhée Torticolis Plagiocéphalie / tête plate Pied en varus / valgus Rotation anormal de hanche Difficulté a maintenir la position assise Otites Bilan après la naissance : accouchement trop long, trop court, césarienne en urgence .. Agitation Troubles du sommeil
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Your osteopath will not be available from the 23rd of december to the 2nd of january 2017. If you want to be in a good shape for the chrismas holidays, don’t hesitate to contact me to take an appointment before. Votre ostéopathe ne sera pas disponible du 23 décembre au 2 janvier . SI vous souhaitez être au top pour les vacance de noel , n’hésitez pas a me contacter.
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Your osteopath is now a Council Osteopathic of Ireland member. Votre ostéopathe est désormais membre du Council Osteopathic of Ireland.
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Sprained ankle What is it ? A sprained ankle is a common musculoskeletal injury in which the ligaments of the ankle partially or completely tear due to sudden stretching. This typically occurs when the ankle is suddenly "twisted" in a sports activity or by stepping off an uneven surface. They range from mild to severe, depending upon how many damages there is to the ligaments. How to care a sprained Ankle ? Treating your sprained ankle properly may prevent chronic pain and instability. For a Grade I and II sprain : • Rest • Ice • Compression • Elevate A Grade III sprain puts you at risk for permanent ankle instability. Sometimes, surgery may be needed to repair the damage, especially for competitive athletes. For severe ankle sprains, your doctor may also consider treating you with a short leg cast for two to three weeks or a walking boot. People who sprain their ankle repeatedly may also need surgical repair to tighten their ligaments. How can an osteopath help with ankle pain? Your osteopath may assist rapidly in the rehabilitation of an ankle sprain : Down the swollen Active and passive mobility exercises to restore normal range of motion to the foot and ankle complex Work on your posture and avoid compensation After an ankle injury, it is crucial that you re-train and re-strengthen your ankle. I suggest the following ankle proprioception exercises with your physiotherapist.
Photos from Marie Lefranc, Osteopath D.O. Dublin's post
How to relief tension during pregnancy ? During this period, pregnant women experience extensive physiologic and structural changes which affect their daily functioning. So, sports and stretching have their benefits : - Sport is good for you during pregnancy because it prepares you for childbirth by strengthening muscles and building endurance. Moreover, it makes you much easier to get back in shape after your baby is born and it is perfectly safe.The following activities are usually safe for expectant moms : Walking, Swimming, Aerobics, Dancing, Running, Yoga, Pilates ... - Stretching makes you more flexible, keeps your muscles loose, and eases pregnancy aches and pains. Stretching also enhances your body's range of motion, which can prepare you for the rigors of childbirth. Finally, it is a healthy way to relax and release stress. If pain and discomfort persist or increase, osteopathy can help you!
Votre ostéopathe sera absente de Dublin du 17 au 25 septembre, mais reste disponible pour toutes questions. Your osteopath will not be available from m 17/09 to 25/09. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need information.
Osteopathy and Pregnancy - How Osteopathy Helps | BellyBelly
Photos from Marie Lefranc, Osteopath D.O. Dublin's post
Osteopathy services, Having an osteopath at work might become a strong asset for the company. Indeed, the osteopathy brings wellness to the employees allowing them to be more performant during their work. If you are interested, don't hesitate to contact me Ostéopathie en entreprise, De plus en plus répandu en France, l'ostéopathie devient un véritable atout pour les entreprises. En effet, elle permet, entre autre, aux employés d'être plus performant. N'hésitez pas à ma contacter pour plus d'informations ou si vous êtes intéressé.
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