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Veo veo Spanish for kids

, Dublin, Ireland
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Veo veo Spanish for kids works by teaching Spanish  Language using arts and crafts and other tools to promote a  bilingual  environment.

Veo Veo Spanish School for Kids is a way to learn Spanish making arts and crafts.

Spanish Language is the fourth more spoken  language in the world with 392 million speakers.  
You have probably  visited Spain recently or maybe you usually go there for holiday. This is a way to know more about Spain and its laguage which also will give children complementary skills for their daily life. Speaking  two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world and it is also very useful for bussiness.

Scientists have begun to show that the advantages of bilingualism are even more fundamental than being able to converse with a wider range of people. Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter. It can have a profound effect on your brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and even shielding against dementia in old age.

In our project, your children will develop their Spanish knowlwdge when making arts and crafts. It is an easier way to learn a second language that  will also give them more skills for their future.

Our educational proyect is focused on  kids from 4 to 8 years old who are beginners or who have s some Spanish knowledge.

Our courses will be in Spanish and we will be also  dancing, singing songs and much more in a safe and caring atmosphere.

All material will be provided during the course.


Amazing activities for parents and kids this Easter in the national concert hall. Worth to have a look!! Is all about jazz!

Glad to announce new workshop in April. Spanish and arts for children.

New Project: The Thinking Corner at Instituto Cervantes Dublin. (D2). Yoga and meditation for Spanish learners (6 to 10 years old). For bookings or queries please contact Instituto Cervantes Dublín: - Telephone number: 01 631 1533 - Email: //

What a beautiful story to work the imperfecto, the indefinido and the future tense. What will happen at the end? Also moods and feelings. I felt in love with the book.

For those who might be interested. Spanish workshop for children (5 weeks). Art and Spanish. Enrolment before 26/09. Kids age 6-8. Thanks for sharing!

Hola a todos y a todas. Aquí os recomiendo un libro que ha llegado a mis manos para niños de 2 a 4 años que tiene una bonita historia detrás. Un libro solidario creado para un niño de acogida. Parte de los beneficios están destinados a Cruz Roja.

Simply brillant. Best Spanish poet for children ever.

El aprendizaje de una,segunda lengua a través de la emoción es fundamental y con niños es «sagrado» Learning through emotion is basic, the main thing when we are talking about children while learning a second language.

It was our last sesión about Ancient Greece. They all had their prizes after the Olympics!!!

Aquí estaremos haciendo un taller de manualidades el próximo día 18. Ser Cervantes por in dia no está nada mal no??

Seguimos con Grecia. Rememorando los JJOO y haciendo nuestras propias competiciones.

Estamos en la Grecia Antigua hablando de arte y de formas de vida y por supuesto de los JJOO. Este sábado hablaremos via Skype con el marchista Daniel plaza. El primer marchista olímpico español todo en Veo veo Spanish for kids y en Instituto Cervantes Dublin.


NEAR Veo veo Spanish for kids


Dublin, Ireland
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