Past Life Regression, Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Family Constellations, Life Between Lives with Katherina Kavungu, Dip Hyp. Dip RTh. Ct LBL Past life regression is a fascinating journey into our other lives. This is a technique which will take an individual back through time to their previous lives by accessing normally hidden memories in the subconscious mind. Exploring our other lives can give us a deeper understanding of ourselves, other people and events.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis is an advanced method of past-life regression therapy developed by Dolores Cannon. By using this method, a person is able to access the Universal or Superconscious Mind. In this deep state of meditative trance, questions can be answered, the cause of long term pain can be determined and physical and emotional healing can take place instantly.
Based on work developed by Bert Hellinger, family constellation work releases ancestral entanglements to restore the flow of love across generations. This process happens in a group format or in a 1-2-1 session where the facilitator works with issues by setting up representatives for the family entanglements and working with the dynamics. This work is suitable for individuals seeking resolution of persistent life issues.
Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression (LBL) goes beyond past life regression. It enables us to connect with our soul-self and discovers our immortal life in the spirit world between incarnations. This work is based on that of Dr Michael Newton, author of Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls.
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