The Enthusiastic Pharmacist
Pharmacist, Biotechnologist, Blogger, Writer ,sharing experiences from attending pharmacy events @TEPharmacist @FIP@EAHP@rpharms@EPSA @BPSA @UKCPA I have come realise that there are all of these brilliant pharmacy organisations and associations around the world but lots of people (pharmacy students especially) do not know much about them and the fantastic events they host for their members.
It is my hope to share my experiences with people so they can learn: from what I have done, what events I have attended and what organisations and associations I have gotten involved in/am involved with.
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The services that Pharmacies provide in the Republic Of Ireland. And yet there is room for greater development of pharmacy services in Ireland. #Pharmacist #Services
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The Clanwilliam Pharmacist Awards are held in aid of @PharmacyBenFund , with all proceeds benefiting Irish pharmacists in need in Ireland. Watch: 2016 Awards highlights here 2017 nominations now open, visit to nominate.
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Pharmacists Support in the United Kingdom have produced some career guidance for using Linkedin. Have a look below! #Pharmacist #Linkedin
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Pharmacists have the skills, knowledge & public support to play an enhanced role in primary healthcare. Check out some recent statistics from the Irish Pharmacy Union. #Pharmacist
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Monday motivational post!! #Monday #Motivation #Pharmacy #Pharmacist
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Throwback to 2013. My first EPSA event. Got to meet up with my fellow Irish people as well!! #Irish #Pharmacist
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Throwback to the FIP world congress in Dublin in 2013. It was my first FIP congress and since then I have been addicted. #FIP #Congress #Pharmacy
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Speaking at the EPSA autumn assembly 2016 in Cluj-Napoca on mental health and pharmacy.
40th EPSA Annual Conference 2017
The Enthusiastic Pharmacist's cover photo
77th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2017 Seoul, Republic of Korea, 10 - 14 September 2017 "Medicines and beyond! The soul of pharmacy" #FIPCongress
DIA EuroCareers Spring Virtual Fair
Want to attend a careers event but can`t take the time out to travel one? Then why not attend the DIA virtual careers event? Check out the following website to register. #DIA #Virtual #Fair
The Enthusiastic Pharmacist's cover photo
The first Registration Period starts very soon. Don't miss this chance apply as soon as you can! Check out the following link for more info: