Mindful Irish Schools
Bringing mindfulness to schools in Ireland.
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This is a lovely little video. Anyone tried this with your kids? Peace Inside = Peace Outside = Peace in the World
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What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Irish teachers today?
Mindfulness Practice in Schools Conference
Interesting conference happening March 4th.
The basics of mindfulness meditation are surprisingly simple
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Wow. 94 teachers have asked for the 2hr 'Getting Started Session'. I'll sort through them over the next few days and put the names in a digital hat. It's great to see how much people care for the wellbeing of those in their care.
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I'm donating 5 x 2hr 'Getting Started with Mindfulness in Schools' consultancies to schools and teachers in Dublin. Comment or message me to book. It's my contribution to the cause.
RTÉ News on Twitter
Breathing bells and mind jars: Mindfulness comes to school
Government reveals plans for 300 hours of mental health classes in Irish secondary schools | JOE.ie
Irish students to get 300 hours of mental health classes, according to current government plans.
A Quiet Revolution - Mindfulness in Education
I took this training last year. Highly recommended. Less stress, more compassion - one dedicated teacher at a time. Get in touch if you'd like to try it in your school.
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Ireland - we need to get teachers meditating, kids meditating and classrooms chilling and connecting. Like this if you're up for taking part in some free, group learning on this page.
Teacher Training Is Failing Students' Mental Health
What do you think about this?