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Kerlin Gallery

Anne's Lane, South Anne Street, Dublin, Ireland
Art Gallery



Kerlin Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in Dublin, Ireland. Artists:
Phillip Allen
Gerard Byrne
Dorothy Cross
Willie Doherty
Aleana Egan
Mark Francis
Maureen Gallace
Mark Garry
Liam Gillick
David Godbold
Richard Gorman
Siobhán Hapaska
Callum Innes
Jaki Irvine
Merlin James
Sam Keogh
Samuel Laurence Cunnane
Elizabeth Magill
Brian Maguire
Eoin Mc Hugh
Stephen McKenna
William McKeown
Isabel Nolan
Jan Pleitner
Kathy Prendergast
Sean Scully
Paul Seawright
Liliane Tomasko
Paul Winstanley


Tonight we are celebrating #IsabelNolan's Another View from Nowhen, the inaugural installation at London Mithraeum Bloomberg SPACE. It comprises two ambitious works that respond to the history of its City of London location: 'The Barely Perceptible Vibration of Everything', a monumental, hand-tufted tapestry referencing the physical and historical layering of the site as a narrative of cosmic proportions, and 'Blind to the Rays of the Returning Sun', a looming and angular steel sculpture. The exhibition is on view in London until 2 June.⠀ ___⠀ #anotherviewfromnowhen #londonmithraeumbloombergspace #londonmithraeum #bloombergspace #bloomberg #12walbrook #tapestry #handtuftedwool #sculpture #installation #exhibition #london #londongalleries #cityoflondon #soloexhibition #walbrookriver

#ElizabethMagill Headland opens next Thursday, 6–8pm at @rhagallery. Exhibition continues until 25 February then will travel to #UlsterMuseum, Belfast & #NewArtGalleryWalsall later in 2018. Magill will also appear in conversation with #BarbaraDawson, Director of Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane on 31 January, 5.30pm, in RHA's Gallery I.⠀ ___⠀ Elizabeth Magill, Headland (1), 2017, oil and screenprint on canvas, 153 x 183.5 cm / 60.2 x 72.2 in.⠀ ___⠀ #headland #exhibition #painting #screenprint #oilpainting #oiloncanvas #oilandscreenprintoncanvas #landscape #irishlandscape #gallery #exhibitonopening #artisttalk #touringexhibition #artistinconversation #rhagallery #rha #royalhibernianacademy #rhadublin #dublin #newexhibition #preview #firstlook

Final two weeks of #GerardByrne's In Our Time! “While the aim of representation is usually seamless illusion, [Byrne] tears the narrative fabric, reminding us that cultural forms and constructs are of their time and circumstances, and our perception and interpretation of them are similarly grounded in our own temporal perspective.”—Aidan Dunne, The Irish Times. Exhibition continues to 20 January. Up next: Sam Keogh, Kapton Cadaverine, opening Friday 26 January, 6–8pm.⠀ ___⠀ #InOurTime #contemporaryart #videoart #videoinstallation #lastchance #finaltwoweeks #closingsoon #comingsoon #irishtimes #theirishtimes #aidandunne #review #dublingalleries #gallery #artgallery #exhibition #artexhibition #dublin #whatsonindublin #skulpturprojekte #sp17 #skulpturprojektemunster

Coming soon: #BrianMaguire, 'War Changes Its Address: The Aleppo Paintings', Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), Dublin, 26 January – 6 May 2018. This new exhibition brings together Brian Maguire’s latest body of work, resulting from a visit to Syria in 2017. The Aleppo Paintings document the ruined buildings of the city, offering a visceral and stark insight into the physical consequences of war and the international arms trade that fuels all conflict.⠀ ___⠀ As with all Maguire's work, the exhibition is informed by first-hand experience and is fuelled by a desire to see beyond the news coverage to gain a personal insight into the reality of the situation.⠀ ___⠀ Brian Maguire, Aleppo 3 2017, acrylic on linen, 210 x 170 cm, 82.7 x 66.9 in⠀ ___⠀ #warchangesitsaddress #thealeppopaintings #imma #irishmuseumofmodernart #immaireland #dublin #dublingalleries #exhibition #newexhibition #ireland #irishmuseum #museum #museumexhibition #painting #paintingexhibition #expressionistpainting #contemporarypainting #acrylicpainting #acryliconlinen #aleppo #syria #refugeecrisis #warzone #ruinedbuilding #syrianconflict #paintingassolidarity #comingsoon

2018 will be the 30th anniversary of Kerlin Gallery, Dublin. We would like to take this opportunity to express a heartfelt thank you to all the artists we have had the pleasure and privilege to work with over the past three decades. We are looking forward to our programme for 2018, which kicks off with Sam Keogh in January and Jan Pleitner in March, followed by two major group shows: an exhibition of sculpture by Dorothy Cross, Aleana Egan, Siobhán Hapaska, Isabel Nolan & Kathy Prendergast in May and an exhibition guest-curated by Hendrik Driessen, Director of De Pont Museum, Tilburg in July. Our first solo exhibition by the American painter Daniel Rios Rodriguez will take place in September, then we will complete the year with Sean Scully in October and Liam Gillick in December. Museum activity for Kerlin Gallery artists continues to flourish throughout the year, beginning with solo exhibitions by Brian Maguire at the Irish Museum of Modern Art , Dublin (26 January – 6 May); Merlin James at Boxes Art Museum, Shunde (23 March – 25 May); Elizabeth Magill at Ulster Museum, Belfast (11 May – 23 September); Sean Scully at State Russian Museum – Marble Palace, St Petersburg (15 February – 9 April) and De Pont Museum, Tilburg (21 April – 26 August). Publications by Kerlin Gallery due for release in 2018 include a Brian Maguire monograph in association with Fergus McCaffrey Gallery, New York; Callum Innes in association with Château la Coste, Aix-en-Provence; Merlin James in association with Sikkema Jenkins & Co and Sean Scully in association with De Pont Museum, Tilburg. During 2018, we will undoubtedly see many of you on our travels and at various art fairs, but we also would like to extend a special invitation to you all to come visit us in Dublin in 2018. As useful as JPEGs and PDFs may be, nothing compares to the real thing. Don’t worry about missing the party on a particular date, because we are going to party all year long. Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous 2018! The Kerlin Gang #Kerlin30 Photo: Martin Kippenberger & Wendy Judge after the opening of Day in Dub, an exhibition by Martin Kippenberger & Albert Oehlen, Kerlin Gallery, August 1991. Photograph courtesy of Orla O'Brien.

#IsabelNolan at @dhg_dublin reviewed in the December issue of @artreview_magazine. "What Nolan achieves is a kind of suspension, one that ends up being a gift, speaking to and, for a moment, symbolically undoing authority and class structures ... The outcome is a kind of mobilised reverie in which you don't feel the force of instruction, but rather give yourself up to blissful, untethered drift, and forget the paradox that someone has orchestrated this for you," writes #MartinHerbert.⠀ ___⠀ #artreview #artreviewmagazine #artwriting #artcriticism #douglashydegallery #dhgdublin #dublingalleries #callingongravity #contemporaryart #tonysoprano

"Radio is built on pattern, like wallpaper" – #GerardByrne in today's issue of The Irish Times

Art Basel Miami Beach previews now open. Find us in Booth D20 until 10 December. Showing Siobhán Hapaska, Willie Doherty, Aleana Egan, Callum Innes, Zhou Li, Isabel Nolan, Hannah Fitz, Jan Pleitner.

"If you have such a fractious public sphere that you don’t have a public sphere, then how does that affect questions around history and time and being of your time?" Gerard Byrne interviewed in the new issue of Totally Dublin – out now or read online here:

Kerlin Gallery at Art Basel Miami Beach. Booth D20. Previews begin tomorrow!

'Life and death in a sorceror's workshop': #DorothyCross 'Glance' at New Art Centre reviewed by The Guardian:

TONIGHT #GerardByrne's new exhibition #InOurTime opens at #KerlinGallery. Join us for the reception from 6–8pm. Exhibition continues until 20 January. ___ #sp17 #skulpturprojektemünster #videoinstallation #video #opening #preview #newexhibition #video #contemporaryart #videoart #radio #kerlin #dublingalleries


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