We assist members of the Eastern European community based in Ireland with tax, legal, payroll and immigration issues. FCAC is the Foreign Citizens Advice Centre where we assist members of the Eastern European community based in Ireland. We help with issues around tax, legal, payroll and immigration, making their voice here and giving the care and support they need.
We are made up of Adwise who provide expertise in areas of translation, social welfare, legal, citizens rights and TTI who provide full legal, payroll and taxation advice. We advocate for our customers, providing advice on all aspects of areas of information and tax to individuals and businesses.
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BUDGET 2017 Supports for Self-Employed Invalidity Pension is being extended to self-employed workers from December 2017. Dental and Optical Benefits and the Medical Appliances scheme (hearing aids) will be extended to self-employed workers from March 2017. Dental Benefit will be expanded in October for all insured employees and the self-employed. Optical Benefits will be expanded in October for all insured workers including the self-employed to cover the cost of glasses or a contribution towards the cost, depending on customer choice. Jobseekers taking up self-employment will be able to access the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance after 9 months, down from 12 months.
Registration for Fáilte Isteach conversational English class
Visi laipni aicināti ! All arī welcome ! Visi yra laukiami!
Registration for Fáilte Isteach conversational English class
Регистрация курсов английского языка! Reģistrācija angļu valodas kursiem! Registracija anglų kalbos kursai!
Registration for Fáilte Isteach conversational English class
Foreign Citizens Advice Centre
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Dear Clients, We are on holidays from 14th August to 31st August 2016. Zaiga & Sigita
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