Charles Byrne Piano School
Piano lessons on a Steinway Grand. Drogheda. Learn the techniques the pros use. Comprehensive music theory and ear training included. Charles Byrne BAMus. Piano lessons in Drogheda. Solid piano technique and musical formation guaranteed.
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facebook.comThe Human voice is the greatest of all instruments. Listen to Hanna Benn singing a hymn by St. Hildegard von Bingen in St. Ignatius Church in Mainz, Germany.
My role as a teacher is to guide and encourage. The study of music requires patience, commitment and of course, the right technique. The student needs to learn the art of efficient practice. This takes time but the principles are simple and can be applied to all learning. If you repeat a mistake a thousand times all you have at the end of your labour is an ingrained mistake; if you repeat something correctly, even just a few times at a quarter the desired speed, you have a strong foundation on which to build. Music making requires a very focused attention. This is developed by a careful approach at all times, avoiding sloppiness and half-heartedness. Sometimes a student might be simply too tired to tackle a difficult passage. It is important to have a certain flexibility in this case. In such instances some short scale practice or simple sight reading might be a better use of the time. The wellbeing of the whole student is very important to me. I never want music making to be the source of anxiety or the occasion for my students to feel bad about themselves. Musical mastery is not simply a foregone conclusion for an elite few, and an impossible dream for everyone else. Yes, natural ability is a big factor but this can be overemphasised; used as an excuse. Great musicians are made, not born. The desire and drive to learn is the single most important factor. This must be coupled with humility to take instruction, solid technique and perseverance over a long number of years. The result will be a gift that brings joy to many, a gift that lightens hearts and brightens the world.
Drogheda International Classical Music Series
Charles Byrne Piano School
Photos from Charles Byrne Piano School's post
Alana is a wonderful student, so polite and eager to learn. She has now had eight lessons in total and is doing really well. Her grandfather, the accomplished photographer Des McKenna, was kind enough to sit in on today's lesson. He took some lovely pictures; here are some of them.
My philosophy I’m delighted to give students an opportunity to study on this top-class Steinway “O model” piano. I would have loved to have played on such an instrument when I was young. I want children to become enchanted with music. I want them to love it and to turn to it for solace and refreshment throughout their lives. The vibrancy and optimism of youth should be nurtured and never stifled by the cynicism of the old of heart. The word education comes from the Latin educare, to draw or to lead out. When teaching, we must always strive to draw the very best from the student by instructing with competence, patience and always, with encouragement. “Why would you let kids bash away on such an instrument?” I’ve heard this more than once. As if it were too lofty an instrument for a task so banal as teaching children. This is a dreadful attitude. My students will never “bash away” at anything but rather they will learn, from the outset, correct posture and technique at the instrument. We see preserved in museums instruments that the great masters played and learned on. “Oh look, that’s Mozart’s instrument. Wow!” Who knows but a soon to be great composer might quietly enter my studio in the form of a humble child. Even that, however, is not the main thing. We should see in every child a preciousness and greatness that is uniquely their own. I truly believe that most people vastly underestimate their true potential. Music can be a fantastic life-long gift for any child and indeed any grown-up child! Book your lessons now and I will guide you through the joyous world of great piano music. I guarantee a top class education in piano technique and musical development. Charles Byrne BA Mus.
My philosophy
How to Start Piano Lessons for Pre-School Aged Children
Never too old, never too young!
Charles Byrne Piano School
O come, O come, Emmanuel - (Piano/Cello) - The Piano Guys
The cello is indeed a very beautiful instrument; like the clarinet it can be hauntingly like the greatest instrument of all, the human voice. Here's a beautiful example of how the piano and cello work so well together. Veni Emmanuel!
Hans Zimmer Teaches Film Scoring | Official Trailer
A living composer (who actually writes music that you would want to listen to) gives an interesting perspective on the creative process.
BBC. Barenboim on Beethoven - Masterclass on the Sonatas
One concert pianist teaches another! This is a really great masterclass.