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Denise Roper Music

29 Tara Court, Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland
Music Lessons & Instruction School



Fully qualified, experienced piano and secondary school music teacher.Pianist /Organist .Member of Sontas. Teaching Council registered. Member of the Donegal Piano Teacher's Association.


This is the future- hens , backing tracks and keys which light up. 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Brilliant........... and true!


Well tonight is the opening show of Hairspray with the lovely folk of Letterkenny Music and Drama Group. Very excited to be playing this upbeat, joyous show with fabulously intricate music along with the hard working cast and crew, not to mention the highly talented band and backing singers- break a leg folks 🤞🤞🤞. Royal Irish Academy exams for piano students take place on Wednesday 29th November. Best of luck to piano students doing those. Also getting ready for Christmas. I’m privileged to be heading to St Bridget’s NS , Convoy to help the pupils and staff with their Christmas Carol Service. Looking forward to it. Then after I’ve all my presses wrapped and cards sent ( not a tap done yet😱😱😱😱) it’ll be Christmas Eve where I’m playing at 6pm Children’s mass in Church of the Irish Martyrs, Letterkenny, 10pm in St Mary’s R.C Stranorlar before shooting up at midnight to St. Mary’s C of I in Stranorlar . Then Christmas Day is the two Stranorlar churches for Daylight worship . In January, I’ll be back in Scoil Mhuire for their musical Grease. It’s 15 years since we did it last, enjoying working with the fabulous team there. Then there’ll be more piano exams and others projects in the pipeline- not to mention the wedding of Jenny Roper and Tobias Baars and the arrival of another wee niece or nephew to celebrate. Plenty to keep me busy 😉

I asked a student this week about counting out loud when practicing. I always encourage it as i believe it helps students with their rhythm and helps them give context to the music. By hearing it, I find they develop their ear and inner pulse. I also find you need to externalise it by saying it and hearing before you can internalise it in your head. We pianists, as mostly solo performers, often aren't good at keeping a steady pulse, particularly when playing with other musicians, a fact often pointed out by drummers 😏 The wee one's reply made me giggle as I could just see the scene in my head. " My daddy tells me to count in my head- he says it's just as good when he's watching the TV" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Now dearest parents, an apology. I know when you send your precious child to piano lessons, the sound of them counting "1,2,3,4" incessantly while hammering keys practicing at home isn't a pleasant one. Bear with them, they really are doing the right thing by counting out loud. It's my fault really. Think of the skill they're learning ......... and dream of hitting me the teacher over the head with a skillet, while chanting "1,2,3,4" 😜😜😜😜

Well summer's nearly over 😭😭😭, nearly back into the whirling dervish . No better way to limber up the fingers and ears than with the truly remarkable crew of Donegal Youth Musical Theatre-DYMT- in their production of Phantom of the Opera which began its sold out run in An Grianan last night. What a response from the audience on opening night. All credit due to hard working cast ( all very young) and crew for pulling this together. Delighted to be in the pit for this one with a fabulous bunch of musicians.

Been so busy working that I haven't posted in aaaaaggggeeesss ! Well done to all my students of all levels for a successful year's learning and playing. A special word of congratulations to those who have just done RIAM piano exams both Pre Easter and Post Easter- we had quite a few different dates so the RCC has been like a second home. I've also celebrated Easter in the company of the good folk of St Mary's RC church and St Mary's C of I , both Stranorlar- always a pleasure. Also been busy accompanying lovely double bass players for their exams . Thanks to the beautiful singers of The Cornwall Singers, the Tir Chonaill Singers, the Derg Valley Choir and the Abbey Singers. It was my pleasure to accompany you for your Rutter concert in St Mary's, Stranorlar . It's also been a time for examining state exams. I really enjoy hearing all the budding musicians in schools around the county. I'm now working with the fun people of Letterkenny Music and Drama Group as MD for their upcoming production of Hairspray in November. So far rehearsals are really productive and the atmosphere is so positive. I'm really enjoying it. I'm also making plans for Scoil Mhuire Buncrana's upcoming musical production with Ms Lorna Barron and Ms Tanya Ward- 2 mighty women indeed. Together with the students and staff of Scoil Mhuire , we hope to produce another high quality show. I've probably left out a whole litany of work but it's just been so busy. I'm very grateful for all the work that comes my way. It enables me to make a living out of my ultimate passion. My thanks to one and all Enjoy the summer Denise x

Just discovered that I've message requests on Messenger that are filtered, which means they don't always come through. Some of them have been there for months without me seeing them. This is especially annoying if it's a bride or a music client. My humblest apologies to anyone who contacted me that I haven't replied to. Please feel free to contact me by checking out this page , you'll find my phone no and email. Cheers Denise

Phew- what a busy time. Just finished up with the good folk at Balor DCA in their production of Oliver- well done to all - a fabulously joyful and big hearted group and a pleasure to work with. In between I had the honour of examining both Junior Cert and Leaving Cert practicals and was privileged to hear tons of fine performances from bright sparks of the future. We also have weddings coming up in May and June- always an honour to be part of a couple's special day. Now onwards to Royal Irish Academy piano exams . Between teaching and accompanying , I'm one busy girl- very thankful I am for it. 😃

Haven't posted since December- the first 3 months of this year have just been work, work work- most recently ( today) well done to students who sat their Royal Irish Academy exams. Some lovely comments made by the examiner in your absence ( happy teacher me☺️☺️). Closing date for post Easter exams is this Friday so busy busy busy. Rehearsals for Oliver abound with the good folk of the Balor Theatre DCA- shaping up to be a great show. Quite a lot of miles being driven as I go to Athlone for 2 examiners conferences ( Leaving Cert and Junior Cert) . This certainly helps inform my teaching as I can better help my students home in on the standards expected from them in the exam. It has meant a bit of re arranging of lessons, and for that, I thank all parents for their help in rescheduling their child's lesson. Delighted to have been a small part of recordings for both Paddy Mc Menamin ( master fiddler) and Barbara Edwards ( soprano). Honoured to work with you both. Also delighted to head to Scoil Brid , Convoy to do some samba drumming with their terrific young musicians. Great craic in the weeks coming up to St Patrick's Day. All this leaves very little time to see shows, however I did manage to squeeze in 3 fantastic shows over a few days in London in January- Guys & Dolls ( really terrific!) , Beautiful- the Carole King story ( I'm now catching up on that wonderful woman's music back catalogue) and Kinky Boots ( a joyous way to spend an evening) . Closer to home both Sister Act ( Letterkenny Music &Drama Group) and Jesus Christ Superstar (Letterkenny Musical Society) brought great pride and joy to the area. A lot of very familiar faces and some brand new ones show that talent is plentiful in this corner of the country- long may it continue 😀

Really helpful 🙂


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