Bump & Beyond is the ultimate Pregnancy, Baby and Family event in the North West.
Family Fun
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It's the Bump's 1st birthday. One year old and two fantabulous shows done already. 😚😚
EDD for number 3? #watchthisspace #thebump #ifyouinsist
The Bump & Beyond team would like to wish you all a wonderful and love filled New Year. 2016 saw the birth of The Bump and after two HUGELY SUCCESSFUL shows, we couldn't be more proud. Our aim was to create a community event with educated information and family fun. We did just that! While others tried to imitate our Bump, there's something special about "Bump & Beyond".💋 We look forward to seeing many more Beautiful Bumps and to lots of pitter pattering in 2017. See you all next year! The S-Mum & Team 💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖💙💖
Some great coverage of our Bump on Sunday. Thanks Donegal Daily and Rosey Pics for capturing the day. Xx
Our "Cute as a Pumpkin" winner. How adorable is this little munchkin? Congrats Sinead! Rosey Pics #smumbump
Thank you to EVERYONE who came along yesterday: to our exhibitors and performers and to the lovely families who attended. You all made the event a HUGE success and we thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. I'll post all the photographs once I get them. If youre sharing your pics, don't forget to tag @bumpandbeyondNW or @secretsofsmum in them and hashtag #smumbump. Happy Halloween Bumpers!
Who's ready for THE Pregnancy & Baby Event of the YEAR? It's here AT LAST. See you all in after 1pm! We have SUCH a show lined up for you. Pergnancy and baby services, Shopping, Fashion, Mini-Me Yoga taster sessions, EXPERT SPEAKERS, Interviews with the PROFESSIONALS, Facepainting and kids' Corner, ENTERTAINMENT, Princesses, spot prizes and fun for the whole family. Bring the Kids in Fancy Dress and watch out for our Paparazzi Rosey Pics who MIGHT just snap your little one to be the winner of our "Cute as a Pumpkin!" Watch @secretsofsmum for LIVE updates and join the conversation with #SMumBump Doors open at 1pm and the first 50 expecting or new Mammies are getting a WICKED Goodie Bag. I'm SLIGHTLY excited! See you soon!
Oh my Goodiebag! Who's ready for the BIGGEST BUMP in town? See you all tomorrow. 1pm - 5pm. #SMum #bumpandbeyondNW #letterkenny #OriginalNWBabyFayre #halloween
Bump & Beyond is shaping up to be one UNBELIEVABLE event for our community. I'm just overwhelmed by the interest, especially in the EXPERTS and INFORMATION SERVICES we're bringing along. And if you feel like doing a little bit of Christmas shopping, we're bringing THE BEST pregnancy and childhood related local businesses into a fun, family day out, so finding a special, perfect gift for baby, kiddy or mummy will be a sinch! Add to that a kiddies corner, facepainting, a full STAGE schedule of professionals, demonstrations, interviews and of course ENTERTAINMENT from LOCAL TALENT and you've got the PERFECT FAMILY DAY OUT this Halloween... FANCY DRESS wencouraged! Bump & Beyond will have NO TRICKS, BUT ALL THE TREATS. Sunday @1pm. You do NOT want to miss The Bump! #SMum #Mammyblogger #glammymammy #localsupportinglocal #community #letterkenny #mammypreneurs #mounterrigalhotel #liamportermedia #nwents #donegal PS. The dude on the left is the unassuming and quietly BRILLIANT PR genius behind this event. Thank you Liam Porter Media 😘
Wee change to Sunday's schedule.
Who wants some more information about my Bump!? A timetable for this weekend's Bump and Beyond in the Mount Errigal Hotel. Approximate schedule for Sunday: We have interviews and demonstrations from Wearing your Baby with Joanne, Chef Martin Anderson, Midwife Geraldine Hanley, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist Caroline Doherty, Karen from the Donegal County Library, the RSA and more. These will be on the main stage throughout the day, along with fashion pops and entertainment from Triumph Performing Arts, Pinehill Studios' Rendition Crew and Dance with me Baby. Approximate times for the Presentations by our Key Note speakers are: 1.45pm Bríd Dunn - Paediatric OT on Sensory Development 2.45pm Denise Gillespie - Sleep and Behaviour 3.40pm Emmet Rushe - Returning to excercise after baby. Also attending to offer advice and guidance are: Donegal Women's Centre, Cara House, Lifestart, Parent Hub, Parent Stop, Citizens' Advice, The RSA, Donegal Downs Syndrome Association, Foróige, Pharmacists, and many more. I've tried to cover as much as possible and hopefully, if any parent has a question or issue they'd like to get advice on, they'll find the right person, or at least be directed towards them, at the event on Sunday. Looking forward to seeing all the Bumps and Babbies!