A club for Scout and Guide veterans (and others!) in UCC, around since 2010. Join us and dabble in outdoor pursuits, charity work and much much more. As of our EGM in September 2016, our committee consists of;
Captains - Brian Hegarty & Daniel Moloney
Vice Captain - Muru Walters
Secretary - Fiachra Hurley
Finance Officer - Clara Killeen
Equipment Officer - David O'Neill
Public Relations Officer - Jeffrey Swanton
Events Officer - Ben Ryan
Fundraising Officer - Laura O'Connor
1st Year Representative - Michael Twohig
External Liaison Officer - Chris Murphy
Ordinary Committee Members - Alison McKeown, Eoin O'Byrne & Michael O'Keefe
Tell your friends
facebook.comJust a sly reminder to say that the Rover Club AGM is on tomorrow night 6.30-7.30 in West Wing 4 where we'll be holding the committee elections for next year. Come along, cast your vote, run for a position and keep the democratic juices flowing.
Hope everyone got home to a nice warm shower and a much needed rest. This weekend was a stunning success! From "The Kiwi Invasion" annhilating the competition (well done guys) to Mark losing his shoes to the dreaded bog, we all had a great time. Ill follow this up with a gallery of images later on (feel free to send in yours). See you on Wednesday for the AGM.
Just an update on Inter Varsities. We will meet outside the Western Gateway Building at 2 o'clock and bus will leave at 2.20 sharp. See you all there!
Everyone ready for Intervarsities? The bus will be leaving Western Gateway Building at 14:20 and we will be collecting money when we get on the bus. Can't wait to see you there!🚌🚌
In the spirit of all the elections on campus for student union at the moment we decided to have a bit of an election of our own :) We will be having our AGM next Wednesday in WW4. We need to elect everyone for next year's committee so come along and cast your vote.
In the spirit of all the elections on campus for student union at the moment we decided to have a bit of an election of our own :) We will be having our AGM next Wednesday in WW4. We need to elect everyone for next year's committee so come along and cast your vote.
Hope everyone enjoyed the snow as much as I did. Can't wait to see ye all on Friday for the Rover Intervarsities. Stay safe in the melting snow!
Reminder to everyone that we are meeting in Boole 2 on Monday at 6.30pm to discuss intervarsities. Afterwards will be the fun part! We will be going to barcadia for a social event. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there.