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facebook.comThe Magic of The Compound Effect Experts say that if we cut 125 calories from our diet every day, within 3 years those of us who are considered obese will be a healthy weight and those of us who are presently overweight will be downright slim. Imagine that, just 3 years. Nothing really in the great scheme of things. We would be a new person, completely changed, the one that we’ve always dreamed of becoming. All for a measly 125 calories; a slice of toast with butter, a small bar of chocolate or a boiled potato. I hear some of you say, “Impossible, no way could I lose that much weight without a crash diet or joining a gym, or both”. Well, you can and you don’t need to join a gym or go on a crash diet. However, there is one thing that must be done. One small clause that must be followed. One rule that must be obeyed for this to work. You see this method is dependent upon one thing and that is the magic of ‘The Compound Effect’. You have all heard of it when it comes to interest rates. Compound interest is when interest is added to the capital so you get interest upon interest. However the same principle applies to all things in life and it certainly applies to the 125 calories a day reduction plan. So here it is, You Must Cut 125 Calories From Your Diet Everyday, no excuses. When you follow this simple pattern then it works. You won’t notice the effect at the start but wait a bit and suddenly you’ll start to see the magic happening. Let me give you an example. What if I was to say to you “You’ve won the lottery and the prize is either a lump sum of €5 million now or a penny that doubles every day for 31 days. You have 1 minute to decide. So you think to yourself a penny that doubles everyday. Lets see, by day 5 I’ll have 16c. Not so good eh! Okay by day 10 I’ll have €5.12. No, this is not looking good “Give me the €5 million now”. See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya, and off you go happy out. But what if you had stuck it out? You see by day 20 that 1c would be €5,242.88. Better but not great. However, by day 30 it’s €5,368,709.12 and finally by day 31 that little ol’ cent has become a whopping €10,737,418.24 Yes, that’s right, €10.7 Million, no mistake. You see you should have stuck with it. It’s the same for the 125 calories plan. You stick with it you get the big prize. You drop out half way through, then you don’t. You got to start all over again. So do you have the patience to stick it out for the 3 years? Because if you can then this is the plan for you. If you want to know more about 125 calorie plan then give me a call or message me. At The Wellness Club we offer free consultations, free meal plans and all the help you need to lose weight and feel a whole lot better about yourself.
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Nutrition programme for kids starts Monday 26th at The Wellness Club 4, Newman's Mall Kinsale
Now selling 'Smart Snacks' Natural supplements to improve memory and cognitive function. Suitable for all teenagers and adults.
Hi All, Tabata classes have begun again at The Wellness Club 4, Newman’s Mall Kinsale Get fit, boost your metabolism and finally get that shape you’ve always wanted. Not only that but Tabata is also great for boosting your cognitive function, improving your memory and helping to increase your ability to focus. We also provide free nutrition advice, ‘healthy eating for all the family’ plans and recipes. Classes every Mon, Tues & Wed, from 7.30pm-8.30pm ALL FOR ONLY €5 Here’s what ‘LinkedIN Learning’ has to say about Tabata ‘(Tabata)… will cause your heart to pump fast and your metabolism to jump, which you want if you are planning on losing fat. Your metabolism will stay at that high not only during the workout, but after the workout as well. This means that your body will be burning fat for hours after. Make sure to add a sound nutritional program into your Tabata routine for the best and fastest results possible if losing weight is your goal. Nutrition is an important component of stay fit and being active. If you have poor nutrition, then your fitness goals will not be achieved. You will also not have the energy needed to workout at this level and intensity.’ has this to say ‘Doing as little as 4 minutes (or one "Tabata") can increase your aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity, VO2 max, resting metabolic rate, and can help you burn more fat (and make you look 200-percent leaner) than a traditional 60-minute aerobic workout. That's right—4 minutes of Tabata can get you better fitness gains than an entire hour of running on the treadmill.’ So instead of spending hours in the gym or gazillions on a personal trainer just come along to Tabata every Mon, Tues, Wed at The Wellness Club, Kinsale (Opposite Bookstór). Contact Neil @ 087-9243100 for details
Get Fit & Healthy for Christmas New 6 Week Health & Fitness Session Starting Next Monday Boost your energy, fitness and general health in just 6 weeks. 8 Exercise & Walking Classes per week to choose from Mornings 09.30-10.30 Evenings 7.30 - 8.30 Includes Healthy Snacks and recipes Message, Call or just drop in to The Wellness Club 4, Newman’s Mall to register
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Lower your Cholesterol Naturally Do you have high or borderline high cholesterol? If so you might be interested in the following facts from the U.K. Heart Foundation. Oat Beta Glucan lowers cholesterol in three ways: By preventing cholesterol in food from being absorbed By binding to bile and cholesterol in the gut and preventing them from being reabsorbed. By taking cholesterol from the bloodstream and removing it from circulation. How does it work? Oat Beta-Glucan is a concentrated form of soluble fibre that dissolves inside the digestive tract and binds to cholesterol to help prevent it from being absorbed. It is then excreted from the body. It also slows down the absorption of sugars from the diet and so helps control blood sugar levels which is particularly important for diabetics. Medical experts agree that Oat Beta Glucan can lower total and the more harmful LDL cholesterol levels. ‘Optimum intake is 3g per day…In clinical trials the effect is seen within 4 weeks. Realistically a 5% total and LDL lowering effect is possible’ Oat Beta Glucan in it’s concentrated form can now be purchased at The Wellness Club 4, Newman’s Mall Kinsale Don’t forget other forms of soluble fibre are beneficial for heart health and can be found in fruits and vegetables, beans, peas and lentils.
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Get Fit & Healthy for Christmas New 6 Week Health & Fitness Session Starts Monday No crazy meal plans to stick to....Just good healthy food. Walking & Fitness Classes daily 09.30 & 19.30 Register before Monday and receive a FREE sample pack 4, Newman's Mall - 087-9243100
New ‘Superfoods’ are coming at us faster than you can swing a cat. Just as our local supermarket has started to stock one it’s already passé and new ones are being tooted by some health blogger. But better health doesn’t come from ‘Superfoods’ like so many newspaper and health magazines would have us believe. In fact there’s no such thing as a superfood and you wont get superpowers if you eat 100g of hemp seeds or goji berries every day. Better health comes from the simple practice of daily exercise together with eating a wide variety of healthy nutritious foods, such as plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats such as avocados, nuts and olive oil. Make smoothies or green juices if you like but if you hate the thought of blending kale with cucumber and celery then just throw the lot into a soup pot and add some onion, garlic, vegetable stock and maybe some chicken and black beans. Now don’t let anybody tell you that’s not healthy. It might even be a superfood?
Last week in the Examiner I read that GPs are bemoaning the fact that patients are taking their health into their own hands and doing some research into the cause of their symptoms. I suppose doctors prefer to examine, diagnose and write a prescription without being questioned. Well, I say good for you to those patients. We should all question our doctors more. All drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone. Statistically we are more likely to get a side effect than a cure from many of the regularly prescribed drugs. This risk obviously multiplies when we take 2 or more drugs. While modern drugs have benefitted mankind in many ways and can save lives we must remember that every single one of them has side effects and are best avoided. I study nutrition and natural medicine as a way to live to a ripe old age. I track various metrics through the many app available today and I encourage my clients to take control of something conventional wisdom has told us is not ours to understand: our health. What causes our disease? Why do we feel so sluggish? How can we improve our health? Why are we over-weight? Yesterday we may have asked our doctor for a pill to ‘fix’ our ailments but today we are starting to collect and check our own data. Due to technology we now have the potential to control our own health and to modify our behaviour to optimise the length and quality of our lives. It is time that we started to quantify ourselves and face up to the reality that we are a product of our own habits. A revolution is taking place in the healthcare industry. Soon, technology will be spotting trends and diagnosing problems far quicker and more accurately than doctors.
Heart disease, stroke and cancer are the biggest killers in Ireland. Most of these deaths are preventable with better diet, increased exercise and giving up cigarettes. Yet 30% of us still smoke and over 50% of us are either over weight or obese, meaning we don’t eat a healthy diet and we don’t exercise enough. It looks like the odds of an early death by a pretty awful disease are going up all the time. Isn’t it time you did something about your health other than heading to your doctor for a prescription that will most likely have a very nasty side effect. But there’s no prescription for going for a walk: and there’s no prescription for giving up smoking: and there’s definitely no prescription for adding more fruit and veg to your diet and cutting out cakes, scones and burgers with fried onions and chips. No pill can make you do that. The only thing that can make you improve your chances of living a healthier and longer life is a desire to live a healthier and longer life. You have to want to do it. Let me give you a bit of advice. Do it before you need to visit your doc for a prescription for some symptom or other, because once the symptoms start the side effects of the drugs can make the journey to health a longer and more difficult one. Take control of your health today and join our 6 week Health & Vitality Challenge and learn how to turn your health around for the better.
Do you suffer from pain…all over? Flu like symptoms that just wont go away. Sometimes you feel dizzy or your brain is just fogged up. Is it depression or insomnia? Your joints hurt; your muscles hurt. It’s almost like your very bones are in pain. Try to tell all this to your doctor and they will most probably say that you should just take a paracetamol or worse that there’s nothing wrong with you. And here you are 3 months later and you can’t get out of bed. You know that you are sick but nobody seems to be able to tell you what it is that’s wrong. You are not alone. Thousands of people, especially women, are living with this pain undiagnosed. Fibromyalgia is not a disease or condition of our muscles, joints, tissues or bones. It is fundamentally a condition of our brain. It is now believed that fibromyalgia is as a result of a dysfunction of the pain regulator in our brains. Normally when we hurt ourselves we feel pain. For a moment the pain regulator in our brain sends signals to the affected area to warn us. We can then back away from the cause of the pain. This is normal. With fibromyalgia the pain regulator isn’t functioning normally and occasionally switches itself on to full so we feel the pain all over our bodies instead of just locally. And worse, it isn’t able to turn itself off. Many of you have it but don’t realise. The problem is that the symptoms can vary from person to person. Usually it’s triggered by something else like a trauma or an infection or maybe the flu, but the symptoms or the pain don’t go away. Occasionally the pain eases and seems to be going away but suddenly returns. Do your symptoms get worse after caffeine? Sometimes caffeine can cause a flare-up. If so switch to de-caff coffee. However, no specific foods are known to trigger fibromyalgia but it is known that people who eat a healthy diet rich in whole grains, fruit and vegetables, basically an anti-inflammatory diet seem to fare better. Which foods are considered the best? A study in the May 2016 British Journal of Nutrition found that polyphenols from onions, turmeric, red grapes, and green tea lowered a marker for inflammation in the body. All types of berries also are rich in polyphenols, as are cherries and plums, as well as dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collards. Olive oil, flaxseed oil, and fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel offer healthy doses of omega-3 fatty acids, which have long been shown to reduce inflammation. Omega-3s may even lower levels in the brain. "The goal is not to consume a certain amount per day, but to incorporate as many of these foods as possible into your regular meals," says Dr. Andrew Luster, of the Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. Here at The Wellness Club, Kinsale we run 6 Week Health & Vitality challenges where we look at the benefits exercise, proper breathing, mindfulness and healthy eating can play in improving our general health, mood and brain function. New programmes start every Monday at 19.30. For more details contact us by message or email at