Local Yoga Classes Yoga classes in your local area. These classes focus on creating a sacred space for you to explore through movement and breath, always tracking inward, opening to the deeper layers of your being calling you home.
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facebook.comHealing (or Preventing) Hamstring Injuries
This is a great article. No need to read it if you don't have a hamstring injury...but what I particularly like is Doug Kellers attitude to injury. "Injury is a great teacher, most often arising not from a single miscalculation or moment of abandon, but from patterns and habits of movement developed over long periods of time. Injuries awaken us to these patterns—and to new ways of moving and being within our body. For yoga practitioners, a hamstring injury is a wake-up call that hits us right where we live!" For all movement practitioners, yogis, dancers, runners, weightlifters, hurlers, karate ka, etc, injury is an invitation to examine your movement patterns, to understand your own anatomy and find ways to move with more stability, balance and ease.
Rolling - Feldenkrais with Baby Liv
Here's a lovely demonstration by beautiful baby Liv. How we learn to move. It starts with our relationship to the ground, a simple allowing and giving of our weight. (I know it might seem weird but as adults we can have so much unconscious tension in our body's we often hold our body's away from the ground. In a sense we have lost trust that the earth will support us. The attitude that is expressed in the body is a reflection of our mind. ) With the support of the ground and an open curiousity Liv plays and experiments, until she finds the easiest pathway to move where she wants. It is beautiful to watch, and as adults we have so much to learn from the way baby's move. As we grow our fears and trauma's set themselves as tensions in our tissues creating dysfunctional movement patterns. By learning how to move with ease, we are essentially working with these unconscious patterns and ultimately moving towards our own freedom and ease. Movement medicine. Finding our way home through the realm of our physical body.
Movement Medicine
I'm curious are there any of you out there who would like to explore the freedom of moving without instruction? Someday I hope to facilitate a space where people might explore their inner dancer, the wisdom of their body moving, how the body knows what the heart whispers, how you can connect with your souls deepest longing through the body, how you can awaken your spirit and find freedom within. Comments, private messages, likes, set the dream in motion ...
QianYe Dance
When you let go of trying and efforting and instead start feeling and breathing. Relationship becomes more easeful and you begin to move on this earth with grace.
Timeline Photos
Well, actually this week has been cancelled. I have been knocked out with a flu. So all classes are cancelled this week. The yoga term begins next Monday 16th of January. I will probably focus on immune boosting yoga : )
Timeline Photos
Well hello...I am only emerging from the cocoon life of family and friends, food and warm fires, resting and not having much of anything in particular to do. Feeling rather like Pooh Bear content in simplicity. Sending my wishes to everyone, wishes of a happy New Moment, each day planting the seeds of potential, daring to dream, willing to risk, allowing everything to be as it is, and for you to feel all of it, in it's glorious unfolding of joy and pain, grit and grace, vulnerability and strength, our very humanity. My classes are starting on Monday 9th of January. Come and join me as we dive deeper into our experience, finding peace and wisdom within, and the possibility of opening ourselves to be present in each moment.
Home Page - Earth Soul Yoga
Hey case any one is browsing with a wonder for New Year adventures in Yoga, my class timetable for 2017 is what shows in my cover photo. (I may add one or two classes.) Gentle Yoga, Active Yoga and Yoga for Everyone are all classes that are suitable for beginners. I am also available for private sessions, groups or sports teams. If you want more information please see my website
I love, grace, support, stillness in movement, relationship. Inspiring and beautiful <3
Barefoot Five
A dear funny friend shared this on my time line recently... Just thought it was high time for a little confession : )
Home Page - Earth Soul Yoga
Hey. Just a little note out. There are spaces still in my monday evenings classes. You can drop in for €12 or if you would like to commit to four weeks before christmas it is €40. One is a gentle class, and the other is more dynamic but still suitable for beginners. Also I have three or four spaces left in my teen yoga class. It is on this evening from 6.15 to 7.15. €32 for the four week term before christmas. There is a lot of room in my Yoga for Everyone, 10 on a tuesday morning. It is a great opportunity to give yourself one hour and a quarter , time to nourish you and meet the deeper parts of yourself that can ofttimes go without your attention. You can pop in if you just want to give it a go. No commitment : ) All classes are held in Fionnuisce. See, locations page for directions to Fionnuisce, (it is a lovely warm safe space in which to practice), and for more details on all my classes. I hope to see some of you on a mat soon : )
Earthsoulyoga's cover photo
Timeline Photos
Here is my new time table for the November-December term. Please see for more details. Or like earthsoulyoga on Facebook for regular updates on classes. Thanks : )