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Edel House, Good Shepherd Cork.

Grattan Street, Cork, Ireland
Non-Profit Organization



Good Shepherd Cork work with women and children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, in Cork.  Edel House is an emergency residential centre for girls, women and children who are homeless. The service addresses the reality of those who find themselves homeless by offering accommodation and much needed support.

The service offers both emergency and medium term accommodation. The family part of the unit can accommodate 9 families.  The singles accommodation has a capacity of up to 24 women.  The care workers knowledge of available support and resources for vulnerable women and children is first class and they work tirelessly to assist these women and children to return to independent living in the shortest possible timeframe.

Goals of the Service

-To provide accommodation and support to each person who presents at the door at any time of the day or night.

-To provide an individual and detailed care plan for each resident

-To assess and understand the cause of the person becoming homeless

-To build each person's self-esteem and self confidence

-To secure suitable accommodation for each resident as quickly as possible

-To liaise with and advocate when necessary with other agencies both statutory and voluntary to bring about successful outcomes.

-The staff team, assisted by volunteers provide a range of activities and classes for residents throughout the year.

These activities offer a valuable source of social interaction and learning, including:

-Art & Crafts
-I.T Classes
-DVD nights    
-Family Outings
-Beauty Nights
-Parenting Work & Advice

Activities for children include;

-Regular interaction & interventions  with our Play Specialist
-A homework club    
-Organised play
-Art & Crafts


Edel House is a self-referral establishment.  Referrals can also be made by other agencies both statutory and voluntary.


Photos from Edel House, Good Shepherd Cork.'s post

The lovely Ber Terry volunteered her morning and travelled from Youghal to give advice, haircuts and styling to women at our Support & Advocacy wellness group. The first 2 photos are a "before" and "after". Ber is pictured with 2 of her willing models in the last 2 photos. Thank you Ber!

Photos from Edel House, Good Shepherd Cork.'s post

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The people of Cork are renowned for their generosity towards charities. We have been truly humbled and honoured by the support we recieved over Christmas,from our amazing volunteers who collected for us in the wind and the rain, to schools, churches and companies who held food drives, the numerous donations of clothes and baby items, to those who donated their time to decorate our house, to those who held raffles and quizzes, who took time and care to select presents, and to all those who contributed financially to our service. We would not exist without your unstinting support, and your understanding of the work we strive to achieve. With our thanks, the team at Good Shepherd Cork!

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Evening Echo

Edel House, Good Shepherd Cork.'s cover photo

Edel House, Good Shepherd Cork.'s cover photo

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We would like to wish everyone a happy new year!!!

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Evening Echo

We wish all our ladies and children a Happy Christmas, and we are looking forward to sharing our day with you! We hope you enjoy your dinner (of which there is going to be loads!!) All our best wishes for the day ahead!! 🎅🎅

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The Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Des Cahill, called into see us this morning. We were delighted to meet him and to have a chat over a cup of tea!

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The children in Edel House are enjoying the new Xbox. A very kind person gave €650 for Smyths and we used some of it for an Xbox and games for all the children to enjoy throughout the year!!

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Edel House, Good Shepherd Cork.'s cover photo

Edel House, Good Shepherd Cork.'s cover photo

A HUGE THANK YOU, to the staff in Peter Marks Hair Salon, who made a huge effort to go and buy a child a present instead of doing Kris Kringle in their workplace. It is much appreciated by us, and the children will be delighted with their presents. Thank You!!!!

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We would like to thank Deirdre Nagle, who very kindly and generously made up these lovely hampers for us! Happy Christmas!!

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NEAR Edel House, Good Shepherd Cork.