Bootcamp for Pitchers
Learn how to communicate to any audience, anywhere without fear. A course commencing at Griffith College on Monday October the 3rd. Geared towards anybody who has to present their ideas in public. We will help you focus, crystalise your message and deliver it to the very best effect. Running every Monday for 6 weeks, from 8-10pm.
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The Fear of public speaking, presenting or pitching your idea is real and a fear that affects the majority of people to some degree. Overcoming that fear leads to freedom, the freedom to express what matters and what is important.
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If you feel the fear the of public speaking, the fear presenting or pitching is holding You back.........then Now is the time to say Goodbye to the Fear.............Yes You Can.....
Bootcamp for Pitchers
Afraid of public speaking? Conquer your fear with Bootcamp for Pitchers. Commencing on Monday October 3rd, at Griffith College Cork, Cork. This course is designed for anybody who needs to present their ideas clearly, concisely and compellingly. Whether you are an entrepreneur, PHd student, business person, or if you have to hold a public address - there are always times in our lives when we need to find the courage and the strength to stand up and communicate properly with an audience. You will learn how to crystalise your ideas in order to craft a compelling message, and how to effectively connect with your audience so that they understand your message as well as you do. Also you will master how to completely still and focus your mind, through visualisation and mindfullness techiniques that will serve you well for the rest of your life. We have invited guest speakers who are experts in their respective fields to come and talk with you during the course. They will take you through their own experiences, and impart their knowledge on crafting your message and how to achieve the correct mindset before beginning your pitch. Bootcamp for Pitchers will run every Monday evening for 6 weeks, from the 3rd of October (8-10pm, no class Bank Holiday Monday, 31st October.) Places are limited to 14, you can sign up NOW by calling John Keating on 085 7202808, PM us here anytime, or email:
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Find your courage and learn how to speak well! You can find out how to present your ideas in public with zero fear, with Bootcamp for Pitchers. This course will commence at Griffith College Cork on October the 3rd, and is geared towards entrepreneurs, executives, PHD students - ANYBODY who has to stand up in front of an audience and present their ideas in a clear, concise and compelling manner. We will help you craft your message, making it crystal clear to those you are communicating it to. You will learn how to focus yourself, and quiet your mind in order to summon the confidence you need to be a fantastic public speaker. We will have guest speakers who are expert at presenting in public, who will talk to you about fear of speaking in public, mindfullness and visualisation techniques, and the all important delivery of your message. Running every Monday evening from 8-10pm, yourself and your classmates will learn how to effectively communicate your ideas to an audience. Places are limited to 14, you can sign up NOW by calling John Keating on 085 7202808, PM us here anytime, or email:
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Our course will give you the confidence to overcome the obstacles that public speaking presents. To effectively deliver content to an audience, you must work within three basic parameters. These are: 1) Focus on your audience - they are the heroes of your story! 2) Craft and understand your ideas - crystalising your message is crucial. 3) YOU - although you are the LEAST important part of this equation, you need the confidence to deliver your message in the most effective way. Commencing at Griffith College Cork on October the 3rd, Bootcamp for Pitchers will supply you with all of the tools you need to present your ideas to an audience, wherever that audience may be! To sign up, please call John Keating on 085 7202808, PM us here anytime, or email:
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Do you harbour a fear of public speaking? Do you have to present your ideas in an direct and interesting way, but you are not sure where to start? Then Bootcamp for Pitchers is for you. This course will commence at Griffith College Cork on Monday the 3rd of October. It will run for six weeks, every Monday evening from 8-10pm. The focus of this course is to help anybody who has to stand and present their ideas - in whatever context. Entrepreneurs, executives, PHD and Masters students; you will all have to stand and present your ideas to the very best of your ability, and that is where this course will help. You will learn how to focus and centre your mind, with the help of visualisation and meditation techniques. Once your focus has been attained, we can begin to work on crystalising your idea, knowing and understanding your own message and delivering it to your audience. For enquiries and to sign up, please call John Keating on 085 7202808, PM us here anytime or email
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Pitcher's Bootcamp.........
Bootcamp for Pitchers coming soon...