Hi! We're pixelpress. We like to design things for print, and with over 15 years experience we’re quite good at it…really good in fact (and modest too!)
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facebook.comBig cake sale in Maynooth Girls Primary School today. Very happy with how our homemade 'zombie' boxes and 'brain' wrappers turned out... fingers crossed the muffins inside taste okay! 😜
We were huge He-man fans back in the day (mostly for the awesome baddies!) After watching this video I definitely think a comedy movie is the way to go if they are thinking of a reboot.
A small selection of some of our recent (and not so recent!) design and print projects.
Still haven't gotten around to seeing the new Alien movie yet 👽but did come across this great Alien related blog post . Well worth checking out for fellow lovers of sci-fi/typography (a large demographic I'm sure!)
At Pixelpress we always like to give a shout-out to local up and coming artists. This piece of artwork titled ‘A zombie for you, da’ is by the very talented Freya O’ Sullivan (age 5). Look at those eyes… creepy!
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Big shout out to all the little Trolls who will be celebrating in Base tomorrow.... soooo excited!
Pixelpress's cover photo
Pixelpress's cover photo
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We’re off home to support our cousin in tonight’s Rose of Tralee (RTE 1, 8pm) Good Luck Meabhdh!