Personal fitness training and one to one instruction in Connemara
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facebook.comWeek 10 Terence has a training partner. In most cases this can be a positive thing as it encourages training consistency and accountability which is a great positive. Unfortunately for Terence his training partner, whom we refer at our sessions as "Monkey" is not so keen on a healthy lifestyle . Monkey is full of every reason and excuse to step of the plan and return to the easier path. He is that small annoying voice in your head. And he can be very convincing ! In seriousness though we all have a type of monkey who whispers in our ear telling us what we want to hear. It is constantly trying to make take the easy path, always looking to the quick gratification . We all want the quick fix. It's what we have grown accustomed to in life. In most cases this is possible. A quick phone call or click of button and your wish is granted. Your health however requires a long term plan to achieve success. We are conditioned for short term results and find it hard to keep focused long term and that is where the monkey takes advantage . To succeed you have to learn to control this inner voice. It will always be there waiting to take control but you must learn to recognise this and refuse to listen to the voice For the last 2 weeks Terence has struggled to get the monkey back in the cage so to speak but 2 positive sessions and we are back on track. A head cold has not helped matters He has come so far from the man who showed up on the door day 1 A bad week now is now is still much better than our starting post even if we feel disappointed with our decisions We either win or learn in this life . Nothing is a failure. We learn much more about ourselves in defeat than we ever do in success Big 3 weeks ahead😃
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New 24kg kettle bell arrived this morning. Looking forward to testing it on a few unsuspecting clients this week 😬😬😬💪🏽
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Early Winter Run with a few Connemara hills for fun 🏃🏃 Great day outside
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Great salad on a pretty average evening
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Week 6 Progression Check point Weight Week 1. 217.2 Week 6. 206.0 Loss 11 lbs Body fat percentage Week 1. 32.5 Week6. 28.5 Bench press Test 1Rep max Week1 70kg Week6. 72.5 4.5% improvement Lower body strength endurance Week 1 80sec Week 6. 150 sec 90% improvement 12 min walk /Run Test. Week 1. 1.76km Week6. 2.04km 18% improvement It's always great to check in and track progression. It's important to have a few bench marks as solely focusing on a single element such as weight can blind you to the massive progress you are making in other aspects of your health and fitness It's been a great 6 weeks We are now sitting down and putting together the targets for the next 4 weeks Goal number 1 Sub 200 lbs
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This mornings brew 😃👍
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3 Peak Mountain Hike. Sometimes you just love where you live #mountain#hike#climb#clifden#connemara
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Week 5 Weight loss 2lbs Weight loss to date 12lbs Body fat % loss 2 % Drop this week Completed 2 weight session and 25km in total of run/walk sessions Created a 5km run route for himself with a mix of road and off road along the old railway line All runs recorded on Strava so he can check progress made and distances completed to date Still very much in the zone. Cut alcohol out this week with positive results Another successful week
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Week 4 Weight Loss 1 .5 lbs Weight loss to date 10 lbs Another 1% body fat reduction Re introducing regular running to his routine To follow up last weeks big loss with another loss was my proudest moment for Terence to date . Weight loss is tough. You are trying to create an energy deficit ( burn of more energy than you consume) for a prolonged period of time) . It sounds so simple but in reality this is a difficult state to maintain. It's all down to good nutritional choices coupled with a structured exercise plan. But remember for weight loss you are exercising on a lower energy intake so motivation can be an issue for some sessions. Sometimes you will have to talk yourself into getting out the door You have to be mentally so strong to maintain the progress. The little voice will always be in your ear looking for a way out. Excuses always sound best to those making them up After the success of last week he could have easily gone a bit easier on himself but he exercised well and nutrition was good for the majority of the week. Great week
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Week 3 Weight loss 5lbs Weight loss to date 8.5 lbs Body fat percentage down another 1 percent Continues to lift heavier weight through all major lifts This was a huge result and was so deserved. Terence has taken a lot on board over the last 3 weeks It's easy to say yes to something but it's very difficult to actually walk the walk. Really delighted for him
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Getting my inflamed Achilles Tendon treated with acupuncture . Really getting great results. A great tool in an recovery programme 👍🏃💪🏽 Thanks to Fenwest Acupuncture Clinic.
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I'm interested in working with rugby players with ambitions to fulfill their full rugby playing potential . If you feel you would benefit from a tailored strength and fitness programme to help you reach your ambitions please get in touch. I know the feeling of arriving at a training camp and feeling at a disadvantage because of a lack of exposure to this element of your training. If this is something that interests you please get in touch for training options

Sunday afternoon run between the showers 🏃🌧

Getting my inflamed Achilles Tendon treated with acupuncture . Really getting great results. A great tool in an recovery programme 👍🏃💪🏽

Kettlebell with a view kind of night 💪🏽

Hard to beat a run for its simplicity of access and time economy 🏃🏃🏃

Gym rest read #thesecret

Evening reading for new ideas 💪🏽🏃😃

For the little aches & pains

My favourite chillout spot. Cregg pool Connemara .

Omega 3 and protein sorted for tomorrow😃

Run or cycle hill intervals are some of the best ways to raise metabolism in a short space of time. Great weight loss and fitness boosters
