Rahulton Indian Restaurant and B & B
Our premises with extensive gardens are ideal for small weddings, first communions, confirmations or family re-unions. No traffic to drown your conversation while you stroll around the lawns and discover something different around every corner. A small lake on the grounds can be fished or navigated across by row boat. This feature is especially interesting for bigger children (who naturally must be supervised) Free range chickens provide fresh eggs and the vegetable garden is lovingly cared for. Most of the vegetables used in our kitchen are home grown. In fact all our products are sourced locally when possible.
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I'm sure you are all looking forward to the Daffodils as much as we are.. Here's wishing you all a Happy New Year - and hopefully we will be able to welcome you (either for a meal or in our B&B) sometime in the not too distant future..
Rahulton Indian Restaurant and B & B's cover photo
We will be wishing those who visit us a personal Happy Christmas. To everyone else we want to say it here and now “HAPPY CHRISTMAS” AND “Thank You” for your support and loyalty throughout the year.
Timeline Photos
There have been several new "likes" the past few days. We hope that means you are searching for good food in a good location and served by nice people (self praise sometimes allowed) :-) Thank you so much for stopping by and mind yourselves on the roads especially on foggy days and nights.
Nominate - Irish Curry Awards
Check this out .. http://www.irishcurryawards.ie/nominate/
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Wishing you all a happy and safe weekend .
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This bunch of flowers is to say a big “Thank You” to all our Guests, past, present and future. Thank you for choosing us for your Indian meal, Thank you for staying at our B&B and Thank you for your likes and reviews. It cannot be said often enough that Hospitality is a 2 way street. Have a lovely Autumn and perhaps we will see you soon again.
Irish curry awards
NOMINATE US PLEASE . https://www.facebook.com/irishcurryawards/
GET VOTING FOLKS https://gleam.io/1lUyC/nominate-your-favourite-indian-restaurant-for-a-chance-to-win-an-amazing-prize
Rahulton Indian Restaurant and B & B
Photos from Rahulton Indian Restaurant and B & B's post
Four course meal + drink 25 euros per person. Open 7 nights per week. Rahulton Indian Restaurant and B&B, Castle Saunderson, Belturbet. Cavan
Timeline Photos
Hope everyone is enjoying the Easter break,,