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facebook.comWe make (OK, Jackie makes) jam every year from plums, blackcurrents and gooseberrys from our own garden or given to us by friends. That means this year we put jam in on top of jams made back in 2015. What can we do? We've only two real choices -- eat a lot of bread and jam OR MAKE WINE form the older stock. What an idea! Come in a learn how to transform your excess pantry stock into something you'll really enjoy sooner rather than later.
So it's still winter ... so there's no fresh fruit about ... So What! We can still make good wine from that plum jam .. or was it current ... we made in 2015! Let's do it. Let's learn to make wine from cupboard or pantry ingredients. Join us (and Brewmaster Paul Flynn) to bottle (and taste) our honey mead and start a batch of fruit wine. Thursday, 22 March 2018 at J&B Hope.
In case there any intrepid travellers needing coffee or cocoa. How could we not be open.
Mead Making Night Postponed! It may be a week or two before it is rearranged. Very sorry for the inconvenience. Give us a call or pop us an email if you've any questions. Andy
Hey, hey!, the long awaited pallet of American Foods is in. We now have ... wait for it ... A&W, Lucky Charms, Reese's Puffs, Kosher salt, Libby's pumpkin, Swiss Miss Cocoa mix (with marshmallows) and more. Better late than never but even if you're late you're on time for something -- in this case Pancake Tuesday and Valentines Day.
If you stick your head in the door perhaps you'll notice the nice full display of Brona Irish Chocolate. Produced on the banks of the river Feale in North Kerry by Dan O’Connor and his wife Noreen and their three highly skilled team of tasters Tadhg (10), Harry (8) and Brona (6), after whom the business is named. We met Dan and head taster Tadhg a couple of weeks ago at the RDS. Their story, and most importantly, the very tasty chocolate, sold us on this new addition to our shop. Dan's story is not an uncommon one over the last 10 years -- builder to sweet shop owner to chocolatier -- another Irish success story. (obtw, the Dark Chocolate with sea salt and Chilli ... absolutely wonderful). Andy
DEGREES of SEPARATION: This week I'm actually going to look at the story that started me on this idea of "Degrees of Separation" and that is a headline from the US a few weeks ago, the story of Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher who found himself in a battle with the US government over grazing rights -- a tale straight out of the "wild West" This seems about as connected to Cavan as Star Wars (long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away) but J&B Hope customers are all a little closer to it than they might think. On a good day you might find, now native, Chris Willard at the bar with a coffee. If you meet Chris you're talking to the nephew of one of the men involved in the stand-off and arrested by FBI and BLM agents.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/usa-ranchers-nevada.jpg Now Chris has his own views on his uncle's situation but that's not the point. The point is that we're never as far from things happening in this world as we seem and the stories, no matter how outlandish or disconnected from us they appear on the surface, may have a personal impact people around us ... which means those stories affect us. If you're lucky enough to catch Chris in the shop you'll find yourself a little closer to the "real people" in the news.
Degrees of Separation: Greg Venables is a remarkable man. If you know him you personally you're connected to the current Anglican Primate of South America. The town of Killeshandra welcomed the Archbishop and his wife for a week last November and and a few of those people now count the Venables among their personal friends. His own story is captivating and inspiring and his visit will long be remembered in the village. One thing we'll also remember is the letter they brought to the people of the town from their close Argentinian friend "Padre Jorge". He even took a selfie of himself and the people of Killeshandra together at a service in St. Brigids Church to send to his friend Jorge Mario Bergoglio, better know to us as Pope Francis. Growing up in Kansas I never dreamed I'd be a few degrees of separation from the Pope but there you go.
Degrees of Separation: We've often said over the years that we are blessed with the best customers in the world. Everyone who comes through our doors is special in some way PLUS each have the potential to connect us to other people, other places and events that otherwise seem far away and unimportant. I think for a theme this year we'll explore those connections and see how they influence us here at J&B Hope and perhaps along the way get connected to new ideas, new products and join new conversations. I'm going to start by posting a few that have come to my attention and welcome each of you to share your connections here on this page or better yet, come in, have a coffee, and tell us all about them. Happy New Year. Andy & Jackie
Lost keys! Can you help please? A set of car keys has been misplaced and it was suggested a customer may have picked them up mistaking them for their own. If you were in the shop after 4 pm please check your pockets or handbag and see if just maybe you did. If you find them or think you saw them please give us a call at 086 170 5888 or 049 432 7567. Thank you for your help and Happy New Year!
It's time for another "What is it?" All correct answers will be in for the draw for November -- Crossogue preserves or an Eggnog Latte.
Our Eggnog Latte is Back! Now through January. The ultimate in comfort coffee only at J&B Hope Ltd. "keeping life simple"