Castleblayney College
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facebook.comSome helpful tips on creating a study plan
Our Gaeilge scholars enjoyed the ‘Caith Amach É’ workshop today in preparation for their upcoming Irish oral!
Congratulations to our U15 Mc Avoy Cup team who topped their group in Cloghan today and qualify for the Ulster quarter final after Easter. Well done to all.
TYP Bubble Football
TYP Bubble Football
Griffith College are offering free revision courses in the area of Maths & Business. These places fill up really quick so register ASAP via the link below.
Litter pick
Well done to our 1st years on their litter pick today.
1st & 2nd year students at the Make a Book Exhibition.
Seisiún Ceoil sa scoil inniú.
We are delighted to offer this highly skilled subject to our #CBC students and indeed the Co. Monaghan area. Leaders in digital learning.
TYP Rugby.