Castleblayney Youthreach
Castleblayney Youthreach is a Centre of Education for people who leave school between the ages of 15 and 20.
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facebook.comSome more photos of Colm Hayes' visit to the centre today #itsoknottofeelok #breakthecycle17 Cycle Against Suicide Castleblayney News
The Hairdressing and Beauty room at Castleblayney Youthreach. Last year we did some Beauty training and this year we are hoping to do some QQI Hairdressing starter modules.
The Woodwork room at Castleblayney Youthreach. Students study woodcraft as part of a full Level 4 QQI qualification.
The Kitchen at Castleblayney Youthreach. Students study Food and Nutrition and make food every day as part of their full QQI Level 4 qualification.
Castleblayney Youthreach Sports Hall
Thanks to the Irish Wheelchair Association for organising Wheelchair Basketball for us today. A very competitive and fun sport!
Sliabh Beagh Tour last week - can't believe thats a real deer! Oh deer, it 'doe's look very 'fawn'd of everyone!
Here are the activities planned for next week in Youthreach!
A sample of some of the Art and Woodwork projects submitted for QQI Level 4 qualifications in June 2016