Family Life Centre Boyle Family and Community Resource Centre
Counselling and Psychotherapy Centre
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facebook.comThe Taking Control Workshop (SHINE) This workshop is about practical ways to face life’s challenges, maintaining and taking control of your physical and mental wellbeing. Friday 20th April 10am-4pm in Boyle Family Resource Centre 0719663000. Cost: Donation and includes lunch. Booking essential.
Music, Maths & More with Marie Hanmore Cawley Share learning with people of all ages and abilities. Learn new skills from the mix of Music, Maths and Italian. Research shows that the brain never stops growing and therefore, learning a new language or skill can improve concentration and memory function. So, come along and learn with us every Wednesday mornings from 10.30am-12.30pm in Boyle Family Resource Centre, 0719663000. Cost: €3/donation
Family Support Drop-in Clinic A drop in confidential space for parents/families to call in and receive support and a listening ear about issues and concerns that you may have about you and/or your children. Wednesday mornings during the school term. Time: 9.30am-12pm in Boyle Family Resource Centre. An interagency project together with Boyle FRC, Foroige & Tusla.
Yoga with Liz Dwyer Wednesday mornings at 11am in Boyle Family Resource Centre. Cost €10 per session.
Bazz Art Tuesday This morning, March 13th 10am-11am sharp. All welcome. Cost included in Parent/Toddler group €2/donation
Bereavement Support Support for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Tuesday March 13th at 8pm in Boyle Family Resource Centre 0719663000. Cost: Donation. Booking essential.
English Language Class with Maura Doherty Tuesday mornings 9.30am-10.30am in Boyle Family Resource Centre 0719663000. Cost: €3/donation. Lekcja angielskiego z Maurą Doherty Wtorkowe poranki od 9.30 do 10.30 w Boyle Family Resource Center. Koszt: 3 € / darowizna. Curs de limba engleză cu Maura Doherty Marți dimineața între orele 9.30 - 10.30 în Centrul de resurse pentru familii Boyle. Cost: € 3 / donație.
Basic First Aid with Absolute Safety incorporating CPR Friday 23rd March 9.30am-5pm in Boyle Family Resource Centre 0719663000. Cost: €60. Booking essential
Common Sense Parenting The Common Sense Parenting Programme helps parents to learn skills to encourage their children’s positive behaviour, discourage negative behaviour and teach their children alternatives to problem behaviour. Cost: €20. Booking Essential. Dates to be arranged for after Easter 10am-12.30pm for 6 weeks in Boyle Youth & Family Support, Bridge Street, Boyle. For booking please contact Boyle Family Resource Centre on 0719663000.
Bazz Art for toddlers tomorrowTuesday March 13th,10am-11am sharp. All welcome. Cost included in Parent/Toddler group €2/donation.
English Language Class with Maura Doherty Tuesday mornings 9.30am-10.30am in Boyle Family Resource Centre 0719663000. Cost: €3/donation. Lekcja angielskiego z Maurą Doherty Wtorkowe poranki od 9.30 do 10.30 w Boyle Family Resource Center. Koszt: 3 € / darowizna. Curs de limba engleză cu Maura Doherty Marți dimineața între orele 9.30 - 10.30 în Centrul de resurse pentru familii Boyle. Cost: € 3 / donație.