Nourish and nurture your thirsty soul with Reiki Master & Teacher and Shamanic Practitioner, Roseleen McNally. Tend to your inner well in a space created for you to rest your weary heart and uplift your soul. I'm Roseleen Mc Nally, I live in Dublin, Ireland (originally from Donegal) and am an energy healer - specialising in Reiki, Magnified Healing & Shamanism.
I also teach Reiki and Magnified Healing workshops on a regular basis. 'Align with the Seasons' and 'Embodied Wisdom Full Moon Circles' are held on a monthly basis as well as regular retreats.
I run a private practice seeing clients in person and over Skype.
You can learn more about my private practice here:
If you're outside Ireland please email me to arrange an appointment
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facebook.comLet us gather in circle during the darkness of winter to journey to the energetic cauldron of our womb to receive any wisdom, guidance or healing that it has to offer you at this time. We will do this whilst being held and supported under the bright light of the full moon. All women have a wombspace, a powerful inner cauldron which is not solely physical, it is energetic in nature. The womb that you hold within you, is the space of all that you will birth, your creativity is sparked within this space, your desires, your longing and your dreams are all planted within. How do you feel about your womb? Have you ever taken the time to connect deeply with it? Do you ever reflect upon what is being called to be birthed through you? This evening is an opportunity, within safe and confidential space, to connect to the depths of this sacred vessel to hear the message it wishes to whisper to you. We are each at different places in our life journey, when we choose to share our stories and travel together, the companionship we offer each other is invaluable. We learn so much from each other because we each bring our own unique experiences and energy to the group. Let us be inspired by each others experiences. "Somewhere, there are people to whom we can speak with passion without having the words catch in our throats. Somewhere a circle of hands will open to receive us, eyes will light up as we enter, voices will celebrate with us whenever we come into our own power." - Starhawk My suggestion is - come and dip your town into the magic of circle and then decide if it resonates with your heart and soul. What Happens at a Women's Circle Each month many come together to celebrate a different aspect of being a woman. We open & hold a safe & confidential space including a cleanse to release any stresses & strains of the day, week or month so all sit for the time together. Following the introduction of the evenings theme a ‘Talking Space’ is opened to voice our truth & express ourselves freely. There is also an experiential aspect to the evening with the practise or Rite or demonstration of our theme. To close the evening we have a sacred Fire Ceremony to release anything that no longer serves us & welcome in whatever does. Investment: €20 Please note you are very welcome to come to these sessions as a stand alone evening, you don’t have to come to all of them. A preparation email is sent out to you about 10 days before each Gathering to remind you of the date and theme. For first timers, please note that most women come to their first Full Moon Circle on their own so that in the spirit of community, we get to know new people each month. Booking: Contact roseleen on 086 889 8433 or email to book a place. Spaces are limited so booking is essential. Location: 7 Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock Village, above GSM Time: 7-9pm Investment: €20
Next Thurs I'm really looking forward to sharing the wisdom and healing of the Crone Rites of an Cailleach. As we move deeper into the Wintertime, exploring the archetype of the Crone and receiving her Crone Rites is potent medicine for our soul. You might think – I’m not a crone so it’s not relevant? Ah but yes, it is… we hold within each of us energetically the aspects of the goddess i.e. crone, mother, maiden no matter what age we are. Each aspect can also teach us much about ourselves. The Cailleach (Gaelic for Crone and pronounced ‘Cal-yack’), Crone Goddess or dark mother is the last aspect of the Triple Goddess, together with the Mother and the Maiden she represents part of the circle of life. If the Maiden talks to us about beginnings, and the Mother of maturity, the Crone makes us think of endings. In a society that worships youth and beauty, the crone aspect of the Goddess is the most frightening and misunderstood of the three, as she represents our destruction, decay and death. However, when we delve deeper into her teachings we can see that death was viewed as part of a cycle i.e. in nature, the death of Winter is followed by the promise of rebirth in the Spring so too in life when something ends there is space for a renewal and rebirth. We can also see how she offers us a gateway to connect with our inner wisdom as we face change and our fears so we can embrace life more fully. So cast aside those fears and open your arms to welcome the wise woman within!
New Moon in Virgo is today and we'll also be honoring the Spring Equinox tomorrow evening through meditation & ceremony. If you'd like to come along just text 086 8898433 or email <3
How would it feel to know that you can use reiki to further accelerate your own and others healing by opening yourself up to the possibilities of distance healing, karma clearing, healing your past, present and future and cutting ties. This 2 day course focuses on self – healing, increasing your awareness of the power of Reiki, introduction of symbols and practising reiki professionally/personally with an emphasis on practical learning so you can get more ‘hands on’ reiki experience. Reiki Level 2 is another wonderful weekend on your Reiki Journey where you will experience further personal and spiritual growth as the attunement unlocks the further potential of the Reiki energy which greatly accelerates your own and others healing. It is a wonderful jump forward from the Reiki Level 1 but as always it is powerful yet gentle. “Roseleen is a wonderful teacher. Reiki is such a wonderful gift and she truly communicates her passion for the Energy which makes workshops wonderful! Thank you Roseleen, Thank you Reiki!” - SM Dublin On this Reiki Level 2 weekend you will learn and experience: - Attuned to a further 4 rays of healing energy (healing time halved); - Be shown the Reiki 2 symbols which can be used in various situations within our own lives as well as in healings; - Be shown and conduct distant healing; - Perform breaking of the ties; - Learn about and perform Karma clearing; - Learn more about grounding; - Revise and expand on your knowledge of the chakras and the links between them; - What to do before and after working on a client or friend/family - clearing a room and yourself, groundings, protection etc; - Learn and practice Byosen scanning; - Learn to empower & heal events; - Learn about Practicing Reiki professionally e.g. Malpractice insurance, client questionnaire etc; - And give and receive a full reiki treatment on both days (using Symbols & Byosen scanning). - And so many more tools and techniques for you to use... Treat Yourself To This Wonderful Weekend of Healing, Exploration, Learning and Fun! Investment: Early Bird €295, Unwaged €275, Refreshers €150 Contact Me to reserve your place: Roseleen Mc Nally 086 889 8433
A beautiful reminder for this time of year <3 I asked the leaf whether it was frightened because it was autumn and the other leaves were falling. The leaf told me, “No. During the whole spring and summer I was completely alive. I worked hard to help nourish the tree, and now much of me is in the tree. I am not limited by this form. I am also the whole tree, and when I go back to the soil, I will continue to nourish the tree. So I don’t worry at all. As I leave this branch and float to the ground, I will wave to the tree and tell her, ‘I will see you again very soon.’” That day there was a wind blowing and, after a while, I saw the leaf leave the branch and float down to the soil, dancing joyfully, because as it floated it saw itself already there in the tree. It was so happy. I bowed my head, knowing that I have a lot to learn from the leaf. --Thich Nhat Hanh--
At this time of the full moon in Aries and as we move deeper into the Wintertime, exploring the archetype of the Crone and receiving her Crone Rites is potent medicine for our soul. You might think – I’m not a crone so it’s not relevant? Ah but yes, it is… we hold within each of us energetically the aspects of the goddess i.e. crone, mother, maiden no matter what age we are. Each aspect can also teach us much about ourselves. The Cailleach (Gaelic for Crone and pronounced ‘Cal-yack’), Crone Goddess or dark mother is the last aspect of the Triple Goddess, together with the Mother and the Maiden she represents part of the circle of life. If the Maiden talks to us about beginnings, and the Mother of maturity, the Crone makes us think of endings. In a society that worships youth and beauty, the crone aspect of the Goddess is the most frightening and misunderstood of the three, as she represents our destruction, decay and death. However, when we delve deeper into her teachings we can see that death was viewed as part of a cycle i.e. in nature, the death of Winter is followed by the promise of rebirth in the Spring so too in life when something ends there is space for a renewal and rebirth. We can also see how she offers us a gateway to connect with our inner wisdom as we face change and our fears so we can embrace life more fully. Most Disney films and fairy-tales don’t do her justice either as she is often depicted as the old hag, the wicked witch or the jealous old woman, praying on the young. She is often portrayed as a woman past her prime, no longer fertile; vengeful and mean because her ‘juices’ have all dried up. On a side note: the word witch and hag are respectively derived from the word wit, denoting wisdom and hagio meaning holy! Isn’t it about time that we challenged these definitions? Create new and empowering ones not just for ourselves but for those come after us… Crone is derived from the old word for crown, suggesting she is the wisdom keeper, seer and healer and midwife, whose knowledge is sought out to guide others during life's hardships and transitions. The medicine of the crone rites teaches us to: • Step into your sacred ‘older woman time’ after menopause & embracing your innate wisdom • Honour your crone aspect in the presence of like hearted women • Create a smooth passage when it is our time to move into menopause • Honour the women in your Lineage who didn’t have this opportunity to receive this rite of passage (your mother, grandmother, great granny). • Remember the cycles of life if you are experiencing a loss. • Face your deepest fears as they offer great wisdom when we are prepared to look upon their faces. • Be wild and free, as the crone shows us the strength and courage within us all. • Understands the importance of death and renewal. She understands that without death, release and letting go, there can be no renewal and fresh starts. • Have the freedom to live our life more fully and make choices based on what we wants rather than what others in our life need from us. • Know that getting in touch with the Crone is getting in touch with that part of ourselves that is old and wise, who has seen everything, and dropped many of the pretensions, rules and limitations that society lives by. That lives their life consciously and aligned to their higher truth. • Create in a different way. Instead of using all our physical energy and pushing to make it happen, the crone teaches us to watch and, in the stillness and being, allow events to evolve as she is the weaver who creates with intention and flow. There is very little in Western culture that celebrates the Crone so let us this evening change that by celebrating, honouring and reclaiming the true power of the crone within us all! There is also a wealth of strength, courage and wisdom to be gained from making the journey. On this evening, you have the opportunity to step into the Crone/older woman aspect of ourselves retrospectively as we wished it had been for us OR as it is now OR will be in time to come, in the presence of like-souled women. We will work ceremonially in small groups holding space & witnessing each others emergence into full cronehood/or smoothing our passage in the future. If you want to experience the conscious decision to step into all or some of these then you are very welcome to join me to receive the Crone Rites. You may also come and observe the Rites, perhaps deciding to receive them another time. Booking: Contact roseleen on 086 889 8433 or email to book a place. Spaces are limited so booking is essential. Location: 7 Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock Village, above GSM Time: 7-9pm Investment: €20
For those who say Donegal is too far to travel to, maybe this will entice you ;-) Of course, I am biased but it is a fab place <3
Look what I found at Electric Picnic.. Sheela Na Gig! Delighted to find her out and proud ;-) A lovely sign as I'll be holding the Sheela Na Gig Rites as part of the women's circle this Thursday. You can contact me on 086 889 8433 or to book a place <3
Here's what is happening over at The Thirsty Soul for September. Check for additional information or email me / 086 889 8433 <3
Don't think much else needs to be said with this!