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Ballinrobe Town AFC

The Green, Ballinrobe, Ireland
Recreation & Fitness



This page is about Ballinrobe Town Soccer Club. Hopefully this page will stay in existemce,


Timeline Photos

Our 2017 AGM will be held on Sunday 12th February at 6pm at The Green. All parents and guardians are more than welcome to attend. Have your say

Timeline Photos

Ballinrobe Town AFC

***BREAKING NEWS*** Plans are underway for the formation of a Ladies Senior Team at Ballinrobe Town AFC. The girls youth teams have had many successes over the years and have been a growing and vibrant part of the Club and we would all like to see a Ladies Senior Team playing at the Green again. Along with the girls who have graduated from underage level we are calling on all former players, new players who are over 18, and anyone interested in playing or assisting us to contact the Club through our Facebook page or by contacting any of our coaches or committee members. Please share this news and spread the word that Ladies soccer will hopefully return to Ballinrobe this season.

Ballinrobe Town AFC

FAI Mayo

FAI Mayo

FAI Mayo

Anyone interested in helping out with Ballinrobe Town underage training? Or any existing managers interested in doing this? Contact any committee member if you are and we can organise a place on this course.

We are on twitter. Please follow @ballinrobetown2

Training resumes for the following age groups. Boys and Girls born 2008/2009 - Sunday 10.30am to 11.30am indoor at Lakeside Sports Centre. Cost 3 EUR per head. Boys and Girls born 2007 - Sunday 11.30am to 12.30pm indoor at Lakeside Sports Centre. Cost 3 EUR per head. Coaches are Marc Hughes and Brian Mallon. Boys born 2006 - Friday 6.00pm to 7.00pm indoors at Lakeside Sports Centre. Cost 3 EUR per head. Coaches Mark and Greg. Boys born 2004/2005 - Friday 6.30pm to 7.30pm on the Astro pitch, the Green. Cost 3 EUR per head. Coaches Martin O'Connor and Martin Vahey. New players are welcome to come along to our training sessions. Parent volunteers and potential coaches are urgently required for all age groups, please contact one of your coaches or through this page to find out how to become involved.

Week 2 of Walking Football on Tuesday at 9pm. Last week recieved rave reviews and was enjoyed by everybody who took part. Room for plenty more on Tuesday at 9. You wont regret it!

Walking Football

Walking Football

FAI Mayo

ALL COACHES and ANYONE who volunteers with children MUST have Basic child awareness accreditation along with Garda clearance before they are allowed to coach or assist with coaching. If Clubs are unable to attract suitable volunteers who are prepared to meet these requirements then there may come a time when there are no coaches available to take YOUR son or daughters team. There is a 3 hour Basic Child Awareness Course coming up in Ballinrobe Town AFC on Thursday 26th January 7pm -10pm. If you already volunteer with the Club or you are thinking of becoming more involved this season PLEASE sign up for this course today. The Club will reimburse the 10 euro fee.

New photo by Mark Smith

Lads raring to go! our under 12's turned out in force today to play in the annual Alfie Byrne memorial Cup hosted by Castlebar Celtic. well done to all our own players and the players and coaches of Castlebar Celtic, Fahy Rovers and Ballina Town F.C. for some great football played. Huge thanks as always to the great support from the parents. Thanks Castlebar Celtic and especially Mark Togher for putting the event together and inviting us. Happy New Year to all, looking forward to next season already, Greg and Mark.

Timeline Photos

Ballinrobe Town would like to wish all their players, their families and all our supporters and sponsors a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy 2017. You can be sure Santa will be good to you. He wears red & white. He must be a Ballinrobe fan as well!

Timeline Photos

Photos from Ballinrobe Town AFC's post

Soccer training has now finished for the year, thanks to all the coaches and all the parents and most especially all the players for a fantastic year of soccer. The under 8's, 10"s and 12's will be starting again sometime in January, probably indoor at Lakeside. Happy Christmas everyone.

Photos from Ballinrobe Town AFC's post


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