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Unit Brackernagh, Ballinasloe, Ireland
Transportation Service



transport freight cargo removals shipping  all europe Ubezpieczenie ladunkow: kazdy powierzony nam towar jest objety ubezpieczeniem na czas transportu.

Przesyki kurierskie:przewozimy przesyki pomiedzy Irlandia a Polska a takze innymi krajami Europy.Nasze uslugi sa wykonywane w systemie door to door. Termin wykonania uslugi wynosi 5 dni roboczych od daty wyjazdu.

Przeprowadzki:realizujemy kompleksowe przeprowadzki zarówno na terenie Irlandii jak rowniez innych krajow Europy, w tym Polski.Na rzyczenie klienta pomagamy w pakowaniu oraz dostarczamy materialy potrzebne do zabezpieczenia i zapakowania przewozonych rzeczy.

Transport towarowy: swiadczymy takze uslugi dla firm i instytucji, przewozactowary i inne ladunki komercyjne. Kazdy z naszych klientow jest traktowany indywidualnie i moze liczyc na rabaty i negocjacjé ceny prze stalej wspolpracy.

Transport pojazdow: oferujemy uslugi transportowe samochodow, motocykli, quadow, kosiarek, przyczep kempingow oraz dluzycy (na przyczepie).

Transport zwierzat: zajmujemy sie przewozem zwierzat domowych takich jak:psy, kroliki itp... Mamy doswiadczenie w transporcir i opiece nad przewozonymi zwierzetami a transport odbywa sie zgodnie z zasadami i przepisami.


The A2 motorway towards Warsaw is blocked after an accident that occurred at the height of Konin (Greater Poland Voivodeship). The truck pulled into cars queuing up to the toll booth. 10 people are injured. The lorry driver was drunk, he had 2.5 milb of alcohol in the exhaled air. Tir entered the cars in front of the toll booth. They are wounded The A2 motorway towards Warsaw is blocked after an accident that occurred at the height of Konin (Greater Poland Voivodeship). The truck pulled in ... TVN24.PL,43/tir-wjechal-w-auta-stojace-przed-punktem-poboru-oplat-sa-ranni,811300.html

On February 1, tolls for French motorways are growing, managed by three private operators. This is important information for truck drivers using the prepaid payment system. The toll rates for motorways in France will increase from 1 to 2 percent. It is about roads managed by three major operators, which are Vinci, Sanef and APRR - informs the French weekly "Le Point". However, prices on the secondary road network will increase by 1-4 percent. The increase in tolls is introduced as part of the annual revision of the rates provided for in concession contracts. In 2017, rates increased by 1.12 percent, and in the last 10 years by a total of 20 percent. The operators explain the increases with the increasing costs of ongoing maintenance of road surfaces and as a supplement to the general freeze of charges, which took place in 2015. A year later, the government agreed with operators on the increase until 2023. More and more expensive highways According to a survey carried out by the French magazine "60 Millions de Consommateurs", the price for the 28 main routes has been climbing since 5.3 to 5.3 percent, ie above the inflation rate. The largest increase, as reported by the "60 Millions de Consommateurs", concerns the Bordeaux-Pau section, for which you have to pay as much as 16 percent. more. Higher tolls in Belgium and Italy Not only France has increased tolls. At the beginning of this year toll rates increased in Italy (in some sections by 53%) as well as in Belgium, where the fees were also extended to local roads pho wikipedia/ text An international joint action by the Romanian and French police and Europol has allowed 28 members of the Romanian gang to steal cargo in parked trucks on the side of the road. Thieves stole a 4 million euro worth of goods. The first six were arrested in early April in France. Thieves' cargo was caught in the act of committing. At the request of the French police, the Romanian uniformed services searched 46 apartments. Found in them and confiscated stolen cosmetics, electronic equipment and documents. In the Netherlands, several magazines were also searched. As a result of this action, 14 more arrests were made in Romania, and then eight others were detained in other EU countries. The French police have been on the trail for as long as October 2015. The thieves distinguished themselves with tremendous speed and mobility. Since then, Europol has had a whip under constant surveillance. Probably thieves have done similarly as in France thefts in Belgium, Holland, Germany, Italy and Poland. The success of the action was possible thanks to Europol's close cooperation with the police forces of the countries involved. Source: Photo: pixabay

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