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Sunbeams Playschool Balbriggan

6 Fulham Street, Balbriggan, Ireland
Child Care Service



Sessional Preschool open from Monday to Friday   9.15am to 12.15pm
Sunbeams Playschool is housed in a purpose built facility with a large outdoor area. The room is bright, airy and well equipped. We use the outdoor area as often as possible with children often free to choose whether they are indoors or outside. We meet or exceed all building, fire and HSE childcare regulations for preschool services.

We cater for children aged from 2 to 5 years.

We offer the ECCE scheme which provides a FREE year of preschool for qualifying children. Children born between 02/02/10 and 30/06/11 will qualify for the ECCE for September 2014, those born between 02/02/11 and 30/06/12 will qualify in September 2015. There are no extras or top ups whatsoever for ECCE children.
We offer competitive fees and flexible payment schedules for non-ECCE children with 2,3,4 and 5 day places available. There is no charge for when the preschool is closed for holidays such as Mid Terms, Christmas and Easter.

Sunbeams Playschool runs a planned, play based and child led programme which is flexible to take into account each child's individual learning needs and interests.

Themes we have explored with the children currently attending include (among many others) Outdoors, Animals, Seasons, Water, Colours, Shapes, Numbers, Early Literacy, Community, Health including personal care, exercise and nutrition, Festivals, All About Me and Families.

We aim to provide activities that help children's Physical, Cognitive,  Language, Emotional and Social development and link with the 4 themes of Aistear, Well-Being, Identity and Belonging, Communicating  and Exploring and Thinking.

We also emphasise the importance of supporting the development of children's social skills in the form of interacting with other children and adults, sharing, taking turns, self care and responsibility as a preparation for Primary School.


A further update from the HSE regarding the Flu epidemic and children attending pre/school.

A directive from the HSE, please keep sick children at home for their own health and that of others. Thank you.

Some examples of our facilities and activities

There have been changes to the ECCE qualifying ages. If your child turns 3 years of age any time in 2018 they are now entitled to start their FREE place in September 2018. Places are booking up fast so please get in touch as soon as possible for a guaranteed place.

In line with the Department of Education directive to schools we will remain closed tomorrow Tuesday 17th October. We hope to be able to re open on Wednesday.

The whole country is now status red for the hurricane tomorrow. All schools and preschools have been told to close. We will be closed tomorrow and will update you about Tuesday. Stay safe everyone

We are aware there is a weather warning for tomorrow. Currently we are not in a staus red area so, in line with th elocal schools, we will be open as usual tomorrow. If this changes all parents will be texted as soon as we know. Otherwise we are open as normal so parents can choose if you bring your child or not.

Halloween firework painting.

Delighted to announce we were successful in getting a grant to upgrade our already fairly special outdoor area. Lots of work being done to be ready for when we open on Monday. Here's a sneak preview of the progress so far.

Update. Our new term will start on Monday 4th Sept. Looking forward to welcoming children back and meeting our new starters.

Very limited places left for September, if you are interested in a place for your child please contact us as soon as possible. Free ECCE places available for children aged 3 years up, part time places also available.

Fingal County Childcare Committee

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Balbriggan, Ireland
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