Website: Twitter: Musical Theatre Group formed in 1994 with the ethos of staging an annual musical theatre production, blending the experience of seasoned performers with the talented youth of Wexford.
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facebook.comOur deepest sympathies to Tony Reck on the passing of his father Markie Reck, our thoughts are with you & all the family at this sad time. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
Best wishes to our member Luke Spellacy Shaw with his movie launch 'Sing to Me' tonight in the Arts Centre... Break a leg Luke from all your Oyster Lane family... 🎶🎶🎶
The very best of luck to 'Integrate Performing Arts Group' with their debut show 'Inspirations' on tonight... Break a leg guys from all of us here in OLTG.
Frankie Avalon Beauty School Drop Out HD
It's that time of year again where all the students are heading back to school... Will Frenchy head back to high school?! Book your tickets to 'Grease'... just click on the link.. #GREASEISTHEWORD
Wexford School of Ballet and Performing Arts have arrived in Disney. Have a great time guys! 💃🕺
The Glencairn Cycle cast to set sail from New Ross to California
Break a leg to all our friends & members involved... have a great time guys... 🎭🎭🎭
Our Musical Director teaching the harmonies & making sure that 'We go together'...😉 Tickets are flying out for our production of 'Grease' guys so don't delay & book today!! #GREASEISTHEWORD
No rest for the Oyster laners after our 'Trip down Oyster Lane' on Saturday night. It's straight back to rehearsal tonight for 'Grease' ...the tickets are flying out for this guys so get on it quick...just click on the link...🎶💃🕺🎭 #GREASEISTHEWORD
The best of luck to all receiving their exam results tomorrow especially our own members from all of us at OLTG...remember you can do and be anything you set your mind on... The World is your Oyster...go out and grab it...😍
☆☆☆ ONLINE BOOKING NOW OPEN ☆☆☆ Going back to where it all began 25 years don't want to miss it so get your tickets booked now!!! #GREASEISTHEWORD #OLTG25
Oyster Lane Theatre Group
Oyster Lane Theatre Group's cover photo