Gaelscoil na Cille is a Primary school for girls and boys, situated in Ashbourne, Co. Meath.
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facebook.comHi all, well that is a wrap on this year. Time is flying by or maybe I am getting old (no comments!!). Thank you everyone who donated prizes for the annual raffle and all the families who bought tickets, it is all appreciated. The results of the raffle are as follows: 1st prize Bobby O'Cleirigh 2nd prize Niamh O'Boyle 3rd prize Isabel Carr 4th prize Eamonn Walsh 5th prize Maria O'Donoghue 6th prize Liam Ward 7th prize Padraig O'Morain 8th prize Claire Cooper 9th prize Florence O'Neill 10th prize Mary Keegan 11th prize Eoin gallagher 12th prize Lorraine Conway 13th prize Grainne Keegan 14th prize Muinteoir Harriet 15th prize Charlie Mc Manus 16th prize Emer O'Driscoll Congratulations to everyone who won prizes. If you were not there on the night to collect your prize you can call to Geraldine in the school when it re-opens on 8th January. Nollaig shona agus bliain shona nua.
Evening all, just a reminder to send back your tickets for the school raffle by tomorrow. You can give to Geraldine or to a member of the coiste. Draw will take place on Wednesday evening. Best of luck to everyone😉
Hi all, hope all the Christmas plans are going well😉 By now all parents should have received a book of 10 tickets for our traditional Christmas draw to be held on Wednesday 20th December 2017 at the Christmas Ceolchoirm. We would appreciate if you could sell as many tickets as possible. Once again, every family who buy/sells 10 tickets will be entered into a separate draw for a gift voucher. This is the only fundraiser by the Coiste before Christmas. Some of the funds raised are used towards the visit of Daidi na Nollaig on breakup day, which the paisti, tuismitheori agus na muinteoiri look forward to every year. Please can you return your ticket stubs and money to the school or a Coiste member by Monday 18th December. Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas, Nollaig Shona.
Hi all, the Coiste are members of the National Parents Council. They have sent us information about a training event they are hosting on Thursday 30th November, in the Ardboyne Hotel Navan. The title of the training event is "Supporting Parents to Support their Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing". The event is free and open to all parents. If anyone is interested you can pm this page and I will send you more details.
Hi all, the Department of Education has announced that all schools are closed tomorrow due to the storm. Therefore, Gaelscoil Na Cille will be closed. Hopefully we will all be ok!
Hi all, just in case you haven't looked in the bottom of the kids bags😉, I just want to remind you of the "Diolachan Cacai" (cake sale) run by Rang 6. This will be held this Thursday 12th Oct. All money raised will go towards sports in the school. Please can you send in cakes with the children on Thursday morning.
Hi all, just a reminder: Coiste AGM, tomorrow night, Wednesday 4th October , 8.30 pm in the school hall. All parents are welcome to attend.
Hi a set of car keys were found at the school at the 2 pm pick up. They were given into the school, just in case anyone misplaced them
Hi all, I would just like to let you all know that the annual AGM of the Coiste will be held on Wednesday 4th October at 8.30 pm in the school hall. All parents are welcome to attend.
Reminder: Meeting for parents of new pupils ( junior infants) tomorrow night, Wednesday 20/09/17 at 7.30 pm in the school hall This is a valuable and important meeting and each child should be represented by at least one parent.
Flower Demonstration, Tuesday 12 th September in the GAA
Evening all, I hope you are all well and have settled back into school routine? Lost and found items from last year are in the halla for parents to check. After Friday 15th September, any unclaimed items will be donated to charity. Information for parents of Junior Infants: The school sent out a text today informing parents that both classes of Junior Infants will finish at 2pm from next Monday (11th September). The kids have settled in so well, which is a great relief for all parents.