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The Blessings Clinic

Brunel House, North Quay,, Arklow, Ireland
Medical & Health



What health problems does Acupuncture treat? Here is a list of conditions commonly treated by acupuncture. Although many other diseases can be treated, this list gives an indication of the effectiveness and scope of acupuncture. If you have a condition that is not listed please do not hesitate to contact us and we'd be happy to see if we can help.

~ Pre Menstrual Tension  
~ Irregular/Painful Periods
~ Irritable Bowel                    
~ Infertility
~ Menopause                        
~ Thrush
~ Arthritis                          
~ Sciatica
~ Back Pain                          
~ Migraine
~ Shingles                              
~ Anxiety/Stress
~ Depression                        

~ Tiredness
~ ME                                      
~ High Blood Pressure


Auburn scientist discovers microstructure of primo-vascular system, revealing possible foundation of how acupuncture works

Several months ago I shared an article which was based on the work of Han Bong Kim's work in the 1960s. The scientific observation of a micro vascular system in the human body. So here's perhaps another step in the evolution and integration process of two seemingly different medical modalities. I have to say, I like where this is going ......... Hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend, be well, be love, Ralph.

Acupuncture Stops Urinary Bladder Leakage Over Drugs

Something of interest for the fairer gender!!

Acupuncture Painkilling Relief For Shingles Found

Another unpleasant and potentially chronically painful condition. I have had the pleasure of observing over the past 20 + years, how well acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine treats, both for shingles and post herpatic neuralgia. If you know anyone suffering with either this is the 'go to' treatment. Here's a study that supports my own experience. Happy Easter! Be well everyone, Ralph

Science finally Proves Meridians Exist

I have been following the continued scientific research for the past 15 years, based on Dr.Kim Bong Han's work from the 1960's. This is a nice article and also covers some ayurvedic approaches. Enjoy! Be well, Ralph

Acupuncture Beats Drugs For Knee Pain And Inflammation

Another great study/ article about acupuncture and it's benefits, please do share this wonderful treatment information with someone you know who needs it!! Be well, Ralph

Best Video You Will Ever See

I know that you all know this already, but hey, a little reminder every now and then can only help. Be empowered with your heart care healthcare, let food be thy medicine!! Be well, Ralph

Acupuncture Matches Drug For High Blood Pressure

An interesting article, supporting what acupuncturists and people receiving acupuncture have known for a long long time!! It's always good for people with hypertension to know there are good drug free, side effect free and easy methods of treatment. Be well, Ralph

Acupuncture: The Intelligent Choice

Someone very kindly sent this to me and I think it's both lovely and truthful. If you or anyone you know could use a little help feel free to share this. We are always here to help. Much love to all.

Meditation Monday. For those of you who are interested I will be starting a meditation class on Monday 6th of February. The classes will be small (6-8 people ) and depending on demand will be available morning 11.30am, afternoon 3pm and evening 7pm. Places must be registered and booked through the clinic 0402-24974. It will be a 9 week course of 30-60 minutes sessions, depending on participants. Cost is €80.

Meditation Monday. 
For those of you who are interested I will be starting a meditation class on Monday 6th of February. The classes will be small (6-8 people ) and depending on demand will be available morning 11.30am, afternoon 3pm and evening 7pm. Places must be registered and booked through the clinic 0402-24974. It will be a 9 week course of 30-60 minutes sessions, depending on participants.
Cost is €80.


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