Bali's Largest and Most Equipped CrossFit Gym! Open 7 Days a week. Strength & Conditioning, Group Classes, Open Gym, Private Training, Rowers, Spin Bikes
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Don't forget our SUNDAY HERO WOD Day. This Sunday at 9am we pay tribute and tackle "Jack" #crossfit #buildingbetterhumans #crossfitwanderlust #balibarbellclub #wod #wanderlustwods #balifit #fitness #travelfit #bali #canggu #balifitness @crossfit @crossfittraining #straightouttacanggu #crossfitbali #islandlife #travelfit #wanderlust #balistrong #thewanderlustbox #straightouttacanggu #getstrong #balicrossfit #crossfittravel #beepicgetstrong #balilife #thebalibible #reebok #bemorehuman
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A bigger box is made for massive warm ups. Technique drilled in everyday. Can't express how happy I am to see every student grow and learn. And most importantly understand why we are doing this. I had a drop in tell us yesterday how impressed and happy she was with the "education" we provided daily. Providing 2 coaches to help achieve this as well. As a well traveled crossfitter she said sometimes see boxes and coaches become glorified "clock starters" and there is little or no education within the class. It's my absolute goal not to just introduce crossfit to the masses but to educate and help people along through their journey in this sport. We as boxes owners and coaches need to hold ourselves accountable. We have the pleasure to teach this great sport and once the love of teaching becomes stagnant or null then it's already to late. You have 60 minutes to make an impact on all students every class. That is definitely achievable. BUILDING BETTER HUMANS 😎 Friday: Hatch Cycle. Week 2 day 2 HBBS 10 @ 60% of 1RM BS 8 @ 70% 8 @ 75% 8 @ 80% FS 5 @ 60% of 1RM FS 5 @ 65% 5 @ 70% 5 @ 70% Conditioning 15 min AMRAP 1 power clean and jerk @ 80% of 1RM 2 burpees over bar 3 pull-ups #crossfit #buildingbetterhumans #crossfitwanderlust #balibarbellclub #wod #wanderlustwods #balifit #fitness #travelfit #bali #canggu #balifitness @crossfit @crossfittraining #straightouttacanggu #crossfitbali #islandlife #travelfit #wanderlust #balistrong #thewanderlustbox #straightouttacanggu #getstrong #balicrossfit #crossfittravel #beepicgetstrong #balilife #thebalibible #reebok #bemorehuman
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Big Wednesday! Wednesday. 12 min EMOM 1) 7 push press (45-55% of 1 rm) 2) 45 Sec dead hang from rig 3) 100m farmer carry. KBS or DB Conditioning 4 rounds for time 25 push-ups on barbell* 15 box jump overs 10 front squat 50/35 (no racks, must clean from ground) #crossfit #buildingbetterhumans #crossfitwanderlust #balibarbellclub #wod #wanderlustwods #balifit #fitness #travelfit #bali #canggu #balifitness @crossfit @crossfittraining #straightouttacanggu #crossfitbali #islandlife #travelfit #wanderlust #balistrong #thewanderlustbox #straightouttacanggu #getstrong #balicrossfit #crossfittravel #beepicgetstrong #balilife #thebalibible #reebok #bemorehuman
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Squad Goals. Day after day we are creating a family of athletes. Partner WODs are the best! Come in a stranger and leave with a new best friend. #crossfit #buildingbetterhumans #crossfitwanderlust #balibarbellclub #wod #wanderlustwods #balifit #fitness #travelfit #bali #canggu #balifitness @crossfit @crossfittraining #straightouttacanggu #crossfitbali #islandlife #travelfit #wanderlust #balistrong #thewanderlustbox #straightouttacanggu #getstrong #balicrossfit #crossfittravel #beepicgetstrong #balilife #thebalibible #reebok #bemorehuman
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Big Saturday class was a doozy!! Proud of the huge class for finishing! Check out this monster WOD Saturday: Partner workout: For time: 400m kettle bell run (200 each) 80 Kettlebell swing 24/16 60 knees to elbow 40 goblet squat 400 Wallball run. 200 each 80 around the world pass 60 wallballs 20/14lb 40 med ball squat clean 400m plate run. 200 each. 80 Russian twist w/ plate 20/15 60 burpees onto plate 40 ground to Overhead w/ plate 400m barbell loaded 400 together 80 Deadlift 60/40 60 Lateral jumps over bar 40 Push Jerk 60/40 #crossfit #buildingbetterhumans #crossfitwanderlust #balibarbellclub #wod #wanderlustwods #balifit #fitness #travelfit #bali #canggu #balifitness @crossfit @crossfittraining #straightouttacanggu #crossfitbali #islandlife #travelfit #wanderlust #balistrong #thewanderlustbox #straightouttacanggu #getstrong #balicrossfit #crossfittravel #beepicgetstrong #balilife #thebalibible #reebok #bemorehuman
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Join us tomorrow for SUNDAY Hero/ Benchmark WODs. This Sunday we will be competing the HERO WOD "The Seven" 7 Rounds For Time 7 Handstand Push-Ups 7 Thrusters (135/95 lbs) 7 Knees-to-Elbows 7 Deadlifts (245/165 lbs) 7 Burpees 7 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood) 7 Pull-Ups A suicide bomber killed seven CIA officers and one Jordanian officer at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan on December 30, 2009 after posing as a potential informant reporting on Al Qaeda. Seven new stars will be etched onto the memorial wall at the CIA where every star represents grieving friends, family and colleagues dedicated to fight against the enemy, forever in their name. Killed in the attack were CIA officers Jennifer Lynne Matthews, 45; Scott Michael Roberson, 39; Harold E. Brown Jr., 37; Darren LaBonte, 35; Elizabeth Hanson, 30; and security contractors Jeremy Jason Wise, 35, and Dane Clark Paresi, 46. #hero #wod #balicrossfit #crossfitbali #crossfitcommunity #crossfit #crossfittraining #herowod #balifit
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Whole Box Retreat? Is that a thing?. You better believe it! Thanks to @crossfitcranbourne who is bringing out over 30 members during a two week period on their Crossfit Box Fitness Holiday! ▶️ EAT ▶️ TRAIN ▶️ SURF ▶️ BEER ▶️ SUNSHINE ▶️ ADVENTURE We have a dedicated retreat space for any type booking! Let us know how we can help you! Tag your box that you want to bring out! #wanderlustbox #fitnessholiday #retreats #balifitness #balifood #crossfit #buildingbetterhumans #crossfitwanderlust #balibarbellclub #wod #wanderlustwods #balifit #fitness #travelfit #bali #canggu #balifitness @crossfit @crossfittraining #straightouttacanggu #crossfitbali #islandlife #travelfit #wanderlust #balistrong #thewanderlustbox #straightouttacanggu #getstrong #balicrossfit #crossfittravel #beepicgetstrong #balilife #thebalibible #reebok #bemorehuman
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Look alive Sunshine.. today we get epic! Thursday: Strength, 12 Min EMOM. 6-10 strict pull-ups 3-5 strict handstand push-ups (scale with box, pike push-ups Conditioning: Every 4 min for 20 min complete 200m run 15 step OH Lunge 20/15kg plate 10 ground to Overhead with plate 5 v-up sit-ups *rest with any remaining time. #crossfit #buildingbetterhumans #crossfitwanderlust #balibarbellclub #wod #wanderlustwods #balifit #fitness #travelfit #bali #canggu #balifitness @crossfit @crossfittraining #straightouttacanggu #crossfitbali #islandlife #travelfit #wanderlust #balistrong #thewanderlustbox #straightouttacanggu #getstrong #balicrossfit #crossfittravel #beepicgetstrong #balilife #thebalibible #reebok #bemorehuman
Big big Saturdays! With a Partner For time complete. 50 box jump (you go I go ) 100 air squats (you go I go. but partner A is at bottom. Partner B is at top. Switch back and forth ) 50 power cleans 60/40 (you go I go) 100 sit-ups w/ Wallball (interlock legs and throw ball back and forth) 50 wallballs (you go I go) 100 burpees over partner. ( you go I go) 50 pull-ups. (You go I go) #crossfit #buildingbetterhumans #crossfitwanderlust #balibarbellclub #wod #wanderlustwods #balifit #fitness #travelfit #bali #canggu #balifitness @crossfit @crossfittraining #straightouttacanggu #crossfitbali #islandlife #travelfit #wanderlust #balistrong #thewanderlustbox #straightouttacanggu #getstrong #balicrossfit #crossfittravel #beepicgetstrong #balilife #thebalibible #reebok #bemorehuman @reebokindonesia As always. The epic video stylings of @joshsymon 📸📸📸
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Photos from CrossFit Wanderlust Bali's post
Photos from CrossFit Wanderlust Bali's post