La-Meli Villas owns and operates 2 villas complex's in Indonesia. One in Seminyak and the other is 4 villas in Ubud Bali.
Your perfect Balinese idyllic sanctuary. Omah Apik is more than just your ordinary bed & breakfast; tranquility at its best.
RSU GANESHA "Melayani Dengan Kasih"
Get ready for the adventure of Bali??Raft down the mighty Ayung River along the forest tropical and waterfall. Your adventure will take 2.5 hours and aroun
Bebek Tepi Sawah atau Tepi Sawah Rest, dengan menu favoritnya Bebek Goreng mempunyai cita rasa yg gurih dengan 3 macam sambalnya yg mengundang selera...
Raw Vegan Restaurant & Salad Bar, Juice & Smoothie Bar, Vegan Coffee Corner, Raw Chocolaterie, Colon Hydrotherapy, Holistic Clinic
Sekolah ini bertempat di Suly Resort & Spa. Kurang lebih 20 meter sebelah selatan Warung Makan Babi Guling Bu Oka.
Warung makan di daerah ubud yg menjual aneka jenis makanan dengan selera bos namun harga anak kos yg gx bikin baros