溢悅坊 Zenjoy
灣仔專業按摩店 ﹣ 消疲勞,養療修身 Zenjoy - the place for you for relaxation & fitness A cozy place located in the centre of the city, Wanchai. Whether you are looking for an amazing massage, a fabulous treatment, you will be impressed with our highly skilled professionals and economic price.
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facebook.comUpdated price list from 1st July 2017. Thank you very much for your support!
客人Kelly Murray的評語: Zenjoy已經成為我的好去處!每次都感受到好好的按摩,尤其是全身按摩!
客人Natalie Lau的評語: 整體而言:超級專業的按摩,合理的價錢! 我最近試過Zenjoy的香蕉推油,當日為我按摩的技師非常專業!她細心地處理我的問題,如我的背部、小腳等,按摩後覺得份外舒緩。 店主亦超級友善及樂於待客:) 絕對會再去Zenjoy惠顧!
客人Carmen Gloria對溢悅坊作評分:五星中的五星。 評語:以極吸引的價錢提供極優質的按摩,地方非常整潔,那裡的接待員態度友善,能以流利的英語溝通😊
客人Evita Castro對溢悅坊作評分:5星中有5星。評語:極好的按摩,親切的服務,極之吸引的價錢!多謝,Zenjoy!
Top 5 Under 300 Dollars Cheap Best Massages in Hong Kong
Zenjoy is still the Number One in the Top 5! While the environment may not be swanky, it is a clean and tidy massage studio which delivers a great massage at very reasonable price.
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Over 5,000 times that people looking for Zenjoy through Google Maps. And over 378 times for navigating Zenjoy last week. Will you be the next? We are ready to serve you shortly, tel: 34870330; whatsapp: 91790330.
Olympics in bright red spots: What is cupping?
The practice of cupping has been mentioned in ancient Greek and Egyptian texts. In traditional Chinese medicine, cupping dates back at least 2,000 years, according to a 2012 analysis published in the journal PLOS One. It is believed to restore the flow of "qi" -- the life force. Zenjoy is doing dry cupping including massage, prices only HK$185/45 mins; HK$245/60 mins and HK$346/90 mins.
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Over 3,000 times that people looking for Zenjoy through Google Maps. And over 270 times for navigating Zenjoy last week. Will you be the next? Welcome to take pictures at Zenjoy and post online.
6 surprising health benefits of massage therapy | Best Health Magazine Canada
Why you need a massage? See how massage therapy improves your body, soul and mind.
One of the best! 💜

Traditional tea and meal.

Shit got a little crazy today. #cuppingtherapy is super awesome and you don't have to travel to Hong Kong to get it done but if you do, do it. @ilabb @hay_oliv #naturaltherapy #discoverhongkong
