Lexington is a company that designs, manufactures, and supplies kitchenware, outdoor, and children products under our house brands: LexLiving, Lexngo, and Lexnfant.
因為欣賞金秀賢,韓國變了第二個家, 瘋狂搜尋 ,購買有關他的物品, 希望能為粉絲朋友們團購到心頭好 !
We meet at 7:00 pm every 2nd and 4th Wednesday (except holidays)
Mobile Phone & NoteBook Repair 入水 不能關機 無接收 更換屏幕 更換電池 升級軟件 系統收復 Water Damage No Power Not Charger No Screen Change Batty Software Upgrade Prefix System
Marine Craft 售賣各種手作 / DIY的東東,包括自家設計賀卡,水晶飾物,匙扣,吊飾,羊毛氈公仔。。。店主每年亦會到泰國幾次,可代購~~
Sugarflowers, Cake Decorating. For enquiry, please email to: wendysugarcraft@yahoo.com.hk